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Biomedicine Center

Deniplant® in partnership with
Aide-Sante medical center
a research center combining the two
sciences Biology and Medicin

About us

In 2019, together with Prof. Dr. Manole Cojocaru and in partnership with Aide Sante Medical Center, we created the Deniplant – Aide Sante Biomedicine Center, a research center to study the connection between the microbiome and autoimmune, metabolic and neurological diseases.

The central idea behind the establishment of the Biomedicine Center was the exhortation given by Hippocrates over 2400 years ago: “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”.
For us today this paraphrased exhortation has become the Motto:
“You eat and you heal, if you know what, how much and how”.

Hippocrates also said “All diseases start from the gut”.
Today, discovering the connection between autoimmune, metabolic, neurological, genetic diseases and the human microbiome, we can say:
“Be careful what you eat because you are the only one who gets sick”.

Our mission is to determine and support people to restore their health and increase their quality of life, by using natural remedies and functional foods, to trigger the body’s self-healing processes at the level of the microbiome.

The use of virtual medical services and natural remedies does not exclude or replace diagnosis, treatment or classic allopathic medical procedures. The patient is the one who decides which path to follow

Research Center

It has a broad and extensive involvement both in research and in the application of research results.

We seek to discover the connection between autoimmune, metabolic, neurological, genetic disorders and the human microbiome.

In the case of the Deniplant Natural Remedies range, following the experience accumulated in the 35 years since the first tea for psoriasis was invented, our products are unique in that by modulating the reactions of the microbiome, they can trigger the body’s self-healing processes.
This ability of the body to restore cells, with the help of functional foods, which provide the body with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and even natural enzymes, is already scientifically proven.

At the biomedicine center, we elucidate the causes of diseases and find new ways to diagnose and treat them. with the help of Deniplant natural remedies

Areas of activity


The Biomedicine Center studies the chemical structure of the substances that make up organisms, the interactions between these substances and the metabolic transformations they undergo in vivo.
We focus on understanding how biomolecules give rise to the processes that take place inside and between living cells, which further helps to understand the functioning of tissues, organs and finally organisms, both structurally and functionally. Cell Biology: We study the entire range of organisms, from bacteria, microbes, microscopic fungi, algae, viruses and protozoa and their influence on humans, to the multitude of specialized cells in the human body.


We study the physical, chemical and biological processes related to the activity of microorganisms, in order to be able to use the useful ones and to counteract the processes harmful to humans.

Nutrients Nutrients represent the substances needed by the human body for normal development and to maintain health.

Macronutrients Carbohydrates, proteins and lipids (fats) have a defining role in the growth, development and support of the body and metabolism, important for the cognitive functions of the brain, correct hormonal functioning, feeding the brain and all our systems with energy.
These macronutrients can be utilized in the cells only if they also contain the so-called micronutrients.

Micronutrients Micronutrients include vitamins (Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K), minerals (calcium, magnesium, etc.), microelements (eg: iron, zinc, selenium, manganese), secondary plant substances (Carotenoids, flavonoids) , essential fatty acids (fish oil) and amino acids – Substances that are essential for the body and that protect us against the attack of free radicals.
Even if micronutrients are needed in very small quantities, they are among the essential components of food. Without them, many normal functions such as growth or energy production could not take place. If one or more substances are missing, deficiencies are triggered and in extreme cases even death.


In the body of each of us there are 10 times more microbial cells than cells that make up the human body, and the number of microbial genes exceeds 150 times that of human genes.
All these beings that live in our body and on the surface form an ecosystem called “microbiome”, and the symbiosis of these small beings with human cells gives birth to a real “super-organism”.
The term “microbiome” was developed by Joshua Lederberg, to denote the totality of microbes, their genetic elements and their interactions in an environment.
Our relationship with the bacteria that live in us is a symbiotic one: in exchange for food, they help us digest food, produce the vitamins we need and strengthen our immune system.
To coexist with our microbiome, the immune system must tolerate thousands of species of harmless bacteria. Instead, these bacteria play an important role in the fight against pathogens – the “bad” bacteria.
Knowing the microbes that live in our body, scientists hope to be able to offer everyone a better life through personalized diets, faster diagnosis of ailments and their personalized treatment.


For the evaluation of the nutrients in the body, we have the necessary tests.

With the help of the web application – Personal assistant for nutrition, health, fitness, the user has the opportunity to draw up his own nutrition plan and track the necessary and calorie consumption, he has the opportunity to draw up and track his medical history, which – he can present it to the attending physician, he has the opportunity to follow how his diet and physical activity influence his microbiome and his state of health.

5.Natural remedies

The natural remedies offered as nutritional supplements, food supplements, or functional foods are based on licenses and invention patents from Romania and other countries.

In the case of the Deniplant Natural Remedies range, following the experience accumulated in the 35 years since the first psoriasis tea was invented, our products are unique in that they can trigger the body’s self-healing processes at the level of the microbiome. This ability of the body to regenerate cells has already been scientifically proven.

We determine and support the restoration of health and increase the quality of life of patients, by using natural remedies as nutritional supplements, dietary supplements and functional foods, offering the body a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and even enzymes.

Our products are created following the research and study by specialists of the components, quality and effects of the natural remedies offered.

Affections studied

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system attacks one or more of the body’s normal constituents as if they were pathogens. When the immune system fails to recognize certain elements, it can produce immune cells or antibodies (called autoantibodies) that target its own cells, tissues and/or organs. This causes inflammation and tissue damage that lead to autoimmune diseases.
A healthy immune system recognizes, identifies, attacks and destroys bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites or other elements that harm health and are not normally present in the body. Autoimmune diseases are some of the most complex and difficult to treat diseases associated with the immune system. They occur when the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body.

Although your immune system is invisible, there are several ways to discover if it has problems or not.

If at this moment you feel well, it means that it is wonderful, because at this moment millions of microscopic invaders are waiting to attack you and make you sick, but they cannot succeed because the immune system is in their way.

If you don’t feel well, if from time to time you have any embarrassment or pain, or if you feel tired, indisposed and lacking energy, do not ignore these sensations, because your immune system is in danger.

Metabolic disorders

Metabolic diseases are characterized by abnormal chemical reactions that can produce changes in the metabolic process.
These diseases are mostly inherited, they have genetic determinism, but they can appear during your life as a result of other diseases that cause secondary liver or pancreatic damage.
Inherited metabolic diseases are caused by enzyme deficiencies and genetic disorders within the intracellular reactions that are responsible for one or more metabolic pathways.
Some conditions can be identified from birth, others after the appearance of specific symptoms.
Usually the treatment is related to changes in the patient’s lifestyle, being adapted to his metabolic changes. Metabolic disorders that can be diagnosed from birth must also be taken into account because of their long-term implications.

Neurological disorders

Neurological diseases are disorders of the brain, spinal cord and nerves throughout the body. Together they control all body functions.
When there is a dysfunction of the nervous system, motor, speech, swallowing, breathing or learning problems can occur. You may also have memory, sensory or mood changes.
Among the conditions that can manifest are: epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, cerebrovascular diseases, including stroke, migraine and other types of headaches, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, neuroinfections, brain tumors, disorders traumatic of the nervous system, such as brain trauma and neurological disorders, as a result of malnutrition.

Affections we address
  • acne
  • skin diseases
  • hepatobiliary diseases
  • metabolic disorders
  • eye diseases – stye (pitcher’s eye)
  • diseases of the pancreas
  • kidney diseases
  • allergies
  • food allergies
  • drug allergies
  • burns
  • arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • bronchial asthma
  • avitaminosis
  • Stroke
  • liver cirrhosis
  • constipation
  • pimples and acne
  • demineralization
  • dermatitis
  • diabetes
  • diarrhea
  • biliary dyskinesia
  • back, neck, knee pain
  • middle pain
  • breast pain
  • lumbar pain
  • muscle pain
  • elimination of toxins from the body
  • sprains
  • break
  • phlegmon
  • furunculosis
  • gastritis
  • osteoarthritis
  • Flu
  • hidradenitis
  • skin irritations
  • insect bites
  • lupus erythematosus
  • sprains
  • myopia special program “without glasses” and vision stimulation
  • osteoporosis
  • paralysis and paresis of the peripheral nerves
  • paraplegics
  • wounds
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • preventing premature aging
  • prostatitis
  • psoriasis
  • cold
  • remineralization of the body
  • recovery after cerebrovascular accidents
  • regulating body weight
  • articular rheumatism
  • rhinitis
  • allergic rhinosinusitis
  • sciatica
  • sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, multiple sclerosis
  • snore
  • stimulation of digestion
  • stimulation of liver function
  • spondylosis
  • prolonged hiccup
  • cough
  • post fracture treatments
  • shingles area


Services offered

Consult general and specialized medicine

  • Nutritional counseling
  • Online consultations
  • Personalized treatment for autoimmune, metabolic and neurological diseases.

-Deniplant natural remedies that suit the ailments in question.

  • Multi-disciplinary medical assistance services at high professional quality standards as a result of the experience gained.

-Psychological counseling and OSH services

-The products and services we offer form a bridge between our center and patients, both physical and virtual, through the web platform “Personal assistant for nutrition, health, fitness” and through the online store.


Analyzes can make the difference between a correct diagnosis and a wrong one

Without tests, the doctor can only assume what disease you have.

We carry out laboratory analyses:

General medical analyses

Food intolerance analysis tests

Analysis tests for allergies

Microbiome analysis tests

We are developing an explanatory dictionary of medical analyses.

Collection points as well as partner clinics are located in easily accessible areas of Bucharest.


Consultation – (ZOOM) Prof. Dr. Manole Cojocaru = 40 euro

Consultation – general medicine doctor / specialty = 10 euro

Nutritional counseling – 10 euro

Advice on food remedies – Prod. Remedies           = 10euro

Deniplant natural remedies (for 30 days) = 60 euro

Specialized medical analyzes                     = according to the laboratory’s list

Pensioners with the minimum pension benefit from personalized discounts.


Appointments can be made by phone at 0744827881 or email:

To optimize the time spent in our center, you can receive and complete the RECORD AND EVALUATION SHEET at home, so our doctors will already know what problems you are facing


Are you a responsible, prompt, organized person and do you want to work with a professional team?

The Biomedicine Center and Aide-Sante Clinic are waiting for you.

Positions available:

General medicine doctor

Specialist doctor





Laboratory assistant

If you are willing to join our team, please send your CV to: After your CV has been registered, you will be contacted to schedule the interview.

Contact the Biomedicine Center

Biomedicine Center

Bucharest Biomedicine Center

Bulevardul Bucurestii Noi no 154 sector 1 Bucharest (Laminolurui metro station: line M4 Basarab-Straulesti Station)


Phone: 0744827881