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Complementary therapies

Although this work was written in 2005 with bibliographic documentation dating from previous years, the research and studies done after 2010 demonstrate once again that complementary therapies were and always will be. Some of these studies are presented at international conferences.

HOLISTIC MEDICINE The name comes from the Greek language, from the word “Holos” = whole.

This method involves a practice of alternative medicine that aims to treat the patient as a “whole”.

For the doctors who apply this method, man is not a system made up of more or less functional mechanisms, but an organic and spiritual whole.
The mind and emotions are related to the spirit and the body.
The treatment techniques exclude surgical operations and drugs, preferring meditation, prayers, herbs, vitamins, minerals and exotic diets, for the relief of an impressive number of ailments.

Complementary therapies are those that help the human body heal itself.

According to data provided by the World Health Organization, over 80% of the world’s population uses them.

I am convinced that you have tried one of them at least once without realizing it.

In this paper I will try to present some of the most popular natural treatments.

The simultaneous use of vitamins, minerals and other medicines can cause discomfort. That is why it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor, a dietician, or a nutritionist before following such a treatment.

Physiotherapy in dermatology

Physiotherapy, although its application is local, acts deeply and interests the body as a whole, through the changes it produces on the body as a whole, through the changes it produces on the metabolism and on the nervous system.
Physiotherapy in the treatment of dermatoses has a very wide application, using the effects of all physical, electrical, actinic agents, etc.

Vitamin therapy

Vitamins are organic substances necessary for vital processes in the human body. Because they are found in small quantities in natural foods, they are considered nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, which act alone or interact with others. They do not feed the body, but are the catalysts that cause and help to achieve numerous functions, such as: energy production, hormonal metabolism, strengthening the immune system, cell growth and food digestion.

Avitaminosis is the chronic lack of one or more vitamins in the body. This is not often found nowadays. That is why it is preferable to discuss hypovitaminosis, which represents a temporary deficiency. At the opposite pole appears Hypervitaminosis which can only be in the case of fat-soluble vitamins which, due to the properties of being “deposited” in the body, can accumulate in excess.
The daily requirement depends on sex, age, weight, level of muscle activity, diseases, etc.

The category of fat-soluble vitamins includes:

Vitamin A (antixerophthalmic vitamin or retinol)
Vitamin D (anti-rickets vitamin or calciferol)
Vitamin E (fertility vitamin or tocopherol)
Vitamin K (antihemorrhagic vitamin)

The category of water-soluble vitamins includes:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, lactoflavin, ovoflavin
Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP or nicotinic acid)
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Vitamin B8 (vitamin H or biotin)
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid or choline)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin P (citric acid)

Vitamin A

The average recommended dose is between 1.5 and 3 mg
Some specialists specify that the necessary daily dose for men should be 3 mg, for women 2.4 mg, and for children, 1.8 mg.

In the form of retinol, vit.A is found in: pork, beef, veal liver, fish lard, eggs, non-fat dairy products.
Beta-carotene is found in colorful vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli, carrot, watermelon, spinach, asparagus, corn, beetroot leaves, dandelion leaves, mango, apricots, citrus fruits, pumpkin.

-Helps in the treatment of wounds and skin diseases.
-Strengthens the immune system to resist infections.
-Helps in the growth process.
-Prevents vision damage.

*Irregularities due to vitamin deficiency. A
People prone to vitamin A deficiency are those sick with cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, urinary infections, digestive complications.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vit.A
An excessive consumption of vitamin A can produce a series of reactions such as:
vomiting, joint pain, liver hypertrophy, nervousness, digestive disorders, weight loss, asthenia, migraines,

*Useful advice:

  • Pregnant women should consume this vitamin with caution.
  • It is not good to consume beef for several months in a row.
    -Provitamin A is recommended for smokers.
    -Vitamin A supplements are recommended for women who take contraceptives.
Vitamin B1

Thiamine, as vitamin B1 is also called, is part of the B vitamin complex. It is presented in the form of a transparent, whitish, water-soluble powder. It reacts to light, heat, humidity, but does not resist alkalinity or oxidants.

*The daily dose is between 1.2-1.5 mg.
In general, a quantity of 0.5-1.2 mg is required for children, for teenagers and women, a quantity of 1.3 mg, and for men, a quantity of 1.5 mg. People who consume more alcohol or coffee should take an increased dose.

Vit. B1 is found naturally in many foods such as brewer’s yeast, pork, fish, vegetables, milk, egg yolk. Floury pasta, bread and in general wholemeal flour also contain this vitamin.


  • Vit. B1 participates in the production of energy necessary for the functioning of the human body, intervening in cellular metabolism.
  • It helps the body to counteract the toxic effects of alcohol.

? Disorders due to vitamin B1 deficiency
Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to a decrease in appetite, the feeling of permanent fatigue, irritability, memory disorders, heart rhythm disorders, and digestive problems. The beriberi disease is also caused by the decrease of this vitamin.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vitamin B1
Hypervitaminosis with vit.B1 is low, because vit.B1 does not become toxic even if it is consumed in quantities 300 times higher than the recommended daily dose. The surplus is eliminated through the kidneys, thus preventing its accumulation in the body.

  • Useful advice:
    Supplements that contain this so-called vitamin and morale vitamin can induce a state of tranquility, optimism, calm.
Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 – riboflavin, is soluble in water and for this reason it must be consumed daily.
The intestinal bacterial flora has the ability to synthesize this vitamin. Light damages it, so that milk, which is an important source of vitamin B2, is stored much better in cardboard boxes, so protected from light rays.

*The daily dose is between 1.5-1.8 mg.
An amount of 0.6-1.4 mg is recommended for children, 1.5 mg for adolescents and women and 1.8 mg for men and pregnant women.
People who carry out their activity in a stressful environment, must increase the dose of vit. B2.

It is found in animal and vegetable products. Thus, we can find it primarily in the liver, in beef or pork, fish, eggs, integrated cereals and milk. Green vegetables, such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, are also an important source of beef. B2.


  • Helps to maintain a healthy appearance of the skin, nails and hair.
  • Contributes to improving and maintaining vision, stimulating the optic nerve.
  • Protects the oral mucosa.
  • Vit. B2, entering into the composition of enzymes, participates in cell growth and in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, transforming them into energy.
    ? Disorders due to vitamin B2 deficiency
    Vitamin B2 deficiency can cause skin lesions leading to the appearance of dermatoses. The sense of taste can be affected due to irritation of the buccal cavity.
    It can lead to irritability, depression, eye strain, visual disturbances and digestive disorders.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vitamin B2
There is no danger of intoxication with vitamin B2. An overdose 2000 times higher than the daily dose can create kidney stones.

? Useful advice:
People who do not follow a proper diet, those who consume alcohol excessively should use this vitamin more often.
Also, people who use contraceptive pills must supplement the daily dose.
Vit. B2 is eliminated very quickly through the urine, coloring it in intense yellow

Vitamin B3

Vit. B3- niacin or vit. PP was discovered to eradicate pellagra.
The excessive consumption of corn and the absence of protein in the diet can lead to this disease, which is manifested by severe dermatitis, redness, itching at the level of the epidermis, by digestive disorders as well as mental disorders – insomnia, hallucinations, headaches, memory loss.

*The daily dose is between 13-20 mg.
For children, a dose between 7-15mg, 15-18mg for adults and 20mg for pregnant or breastfeeding women is recommended.

Vit. B3 can be found in white meat, fish, liver, veal and cow meat, cereals and wholemeal bread. Fruits are also an important source of vitamin B3 – peaches, figs, dates, almonds, avocados, peanuts.


  • By reducing cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders.
  • It has a role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, together with the other B vitamins.
  • It can be a valuable adjunct in the fight against migraines, dizziness and atherosclerosis.
    ? Disorders due to vitamin B3 deficiency
    People who have gastro-intestinal diseases, as well as those who consume more alcohol, are prone to vitamin B3 deficiency.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vitamin B3
Poisoning with vitamin B3 is not possible. Side effects can occur in the case of hypervitaminosis due to the exaggerated addition of the vitamin as such and in no case following the consumption of foods containing the vitamin.

  • Useful advice:
    It is recommended to consume vitamin B3, after the main meal.
    Supplements containing this vitamin prevent dizziness and bronchitis
Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid was named after the Greek word pantothene, which means “everywhere”. Vit. B5 is present in substances synthesized by green plants and microorganisms, being present in animal tissues, especially in the liver. This vitamin is indispensable for cellular activity.

*The daily dose is between 10-15 mg.
Children should consume between 3-8mg, adolescents and adults between 10-15mg.

The foods that contain this vitamin are: brewer’s yeast, beef organs, integrated cereals, peanuts, salmon, egg yolk, mushrooms and green vegetables.


  • Vit. B5 participates in metabolic processes: degradation of carbohydrates, lipids.
  • Participates in the synthesis of cholesterol, antibodies and several hormones.
  • Fights infections and reduces the toxicity of harmful factors.

– It slows down the aging process and reduces stress.

? Disorders due to vitamin B5 deficiency
Vitamin B5 deficiency can lead to the feeling of permanent fatigue, insomnia that alternates with drowsiness, certain dermatitis and hypoglycemia.

*Irregularities due to excessive consumption of vitamin B5
No toxic effects were noticed, even when doses of 10,000 mg/day were administered

  • Useful advice:
    In order to slow down hair loss, it is necessary to combine it with the other B group vitamins
    The elderly are prone to vitamin B5 deficiencies
    Antibiotics, stress and overwork can cancel the property of vit.B5
Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 comes in three forms: PYRIDOXINE, PYRIDOXAMINE and PYRIDOXAL. This vitamin is soluble in water, changes in contact with light and volatilizes in the presence of heat.

*The daily dose is 2 mg.
Pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding and those who use contraceptives should increase the daily dose by 0.5 mg

*Sources: The main source of vitamin B6 is brewer’s yeast. Milk, beef organs, fish, oleaginous fruits, fresh vegetables, bananas and cabbage can be important sources of Vit. B6.


  • It has a role in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, fats, steroids, hemoglobin and the transformation of glycogen into glucose.
  • An important role is the synthesis of neurotransmitters, thus preventing disorders of the nervous system.
  • Protects the body from infections, participating in the proper functioning of the immune system.

– Prevents the formation of dandruff.

? Disorders due to vitamin B6 deficiency
The food preparation process, as well as certain medicines, destroy pyridoxine.
The deficiency of this vitamin can weaken the immune system, weight loss, anemia, nervous depression.
Insufficient amounts of Vit. B6 can cause intolerance to glucose and an increase in blood sugar levels, deregulating the ratio of insulin / glucagon (hormones that control blood sugar levels)

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vitamin B6
The danger of hypervitaminosis with Vit.B6 can appear when the amount taken exceeds 50 times the recommended amount. This can lead to nervous disorders, which disappear when the administration is stopped.
This vitamin is contraindicated for people suffering from PARKINSON and undergoing treatment.

  • Useful advice:
    If we combine it with magnesium, vit.B6 is effective against kidney stones.
    Administered together with zinc, vit.B6 can help against impotence.
    Certain drugs – the antibiotics used in tuberculosis, penicillin, can cancel the effect of vit.B6
Vitamin B8

This vitamin is also called BIOTIN or Vit H and is a water-soluble substance, which cannot be destroyed by moisture or heat, but light, alkalinity and oxygen affect it.
Intestinal flora and food can provide the doses needed by the body.

*The daily dose is 0.3 mg (300 mcg)
However, children need a quantity of 50-90 mcg/day

*Sources: Raw vegetables and fruits, fresh meat, beef organs, brewer’s yeast, milk, dairy products. egg yolk, can be sources that ensure the daily needs of cattle. B8


  • This vitamin intervenes in the synthesis of fatty acids and proteins.
  • It helps in the degradation of glucose and amino acids.
  • It has the ability to produce carbohydrates from molecules.
  • Stimulates hair growth and strengthens fragile and brittle nails.
  • Prevents premature browning.
  • Soothes muscle pain after exertion.

? Disorders due to vitamin B8 deficiency
? The body cannot suffer from a deficiency of this vitamin, but prolonged fatigue, the appearance of dermatitis can signal a slight deficiency.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vitamin B8
Even if this vitamin is abused, it does not become toxic.

  • Useful advice:
    In most cases associated with vit. B2, B3, B6 can become an effective tonic.
    It should be remembered that egg white, in general, whipped cream cancels the effects of this vitamin
    To strengthen the nails, a daily intake of 2.5 mg is required

Vitamin B9

It is also known as FOLIC ACID, because it was extracted from vegetable leaves.
The intestinal bacterial flora can synthesize vitamin B9
It can be damaged by heat, in acidic or alkaline environments.

*The daily dose is 400 mcg (0.4 mg)
Pregnant and lactating women should consume up to 800mcg./day
*Sources: Green vegetables, spinach, cabbage, asparagus, green beans, as well as fruits, apricots, bananas, oranges, almonds, are the main sources of this vitamin. It can also be found in milk, fermented cheeses, eggs or liver.


  • It helps in DNA formation.
  • It is indispensable for the formation of red blood cells, thus preventing anemia.
  • Favors emotional balance, thus reducing pain.
  • It can prevent lung, cervical and uterine cancer.

– It can protect the body from cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular accidents.

? Disorders due to vitamin B9 deficiency
Vitamin B9 deficiencies can occur in people who use medicines, aspirin, barbiturates, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as oral contraceptives. Deficiency symptoms are anemia, diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, depression, asthenia.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vitamin B9
Large doses cannot cause problems for the human body.
? Useful advice:
In combination with vitamins, it can strengthen the immune system.
Vit B9 has a beneficial effect on skin depigmentation, but it cannot solve the problem of vitiligo.
It can remove the effect of stress and anxiety.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin is also called CYANCOBALAMIN.
It contains cobalt, an element that is part of red blood cells. Vit B12 can be destroyed by light, ultraviolet rays and needles, but it resists heat and air.

*The daily dose is between 1-6 mcg.
For teenagers and adults it can be 3 mcg. For pregnant or breastfeeding women, 4 mcg is recommended, and for children only 1-2 mcg.

*Sources: Vit B12 is found only in foods of animal origin: meat, milk, dairy products, eggs.


  • This vitamin has an important role in the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • It participates in the cellular regeneration process, in DNA synthesis, iron, vitamin C and vitamin B15 synthesis

– It can interfere with the proper functioning of red blood cells.

? Disorders due to vitamin B12 deficiency
? Vegetarians can feel the lack of this vitamin. Elderly people can be prone to the deficiency of this vitamin, causing palpitations, weakness, loss of appetite, memory, personality disorders.
? There is a link between Vit B12 deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease.
*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vit.K
There is no risk of overdose with this vitamin, because it is quickly eliminated through the urine. Asthmatic people can have allergies, in case of excessive consumption.

? Useful advice:
Consumption of vitB12 is not recommended for cancer patients.
Associated with other vitamins from the B complex, this vitamin can help regulate the menstrual cycle.

Vitamin B15

This vitamin is also called PANGAMIC ACID.
It is antioxidant and prevents the deposition of lipids in the liver.

*The daily dose is between 1.5-5 mg.

*Sources: Found in wholemeal bread, brewer’s yeast.


  • Cleanses the body of toxins.
  • Increases the lifespan of cells.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Lowers the cholesterol level.

– Protects the liver from cirrhosis

? Disorders due to vitamin B15 deficiency
Vitamin B15 deficiency can cause disturbances in the oxygenation of cells, which can lead to neurological problems, the decrease of the immune system.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vitamin B15
The overdose of this vitamin cannot present risks of intoxication.

  • Useful advice:
    In general, performance athletes should consume increased amounts of this vitamin.
Vitamin C

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most well-known vitamins. Its name comes from the fact that this vitamin has been used throughout history to cure scurvy, a disease that claimed many victims.
It is water-soluble, oxidizable and not resistant to ultraviolet rays and heat. It cannot be synthesized by our body and therefore must be taken from outside.

*The daily dose is between 60-100mg
Children need 35-60mg/day, adults 60-100mg and expectant mothers 130mg. Smokers should pay special attention, because they should consume 120mg daily

The main sources of vitamin C are vegetables and fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, raspberries, currants, strawberries. Among the vegetables, broccoli, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, parsley contain a sufficient amount for the human body.


  • Ascorbic acid is of great importance in the healing of destroyed tissues, even preventing the appearance of wrinkles, because it is involved in the production of collagen.
  • It plays an important role in the metabolism of certain amino acids, folic acid and glucose, in general.
  • The formation of dentine and bone is greatly influenced by this vitamin.
  • Participates in the production of glucocorticosteroids and certain neurotransmitters.
  • It has an important role in the formation of antibodies and interferons, thus having anti-infective action, reducing the duration of colds and flu.
  • Due to the antioxidant role, vit. C can neutralize free radicals.
  • Being able to slow down the formation of nitrosamines, it can protect the body against the occurrence of stomach cancer.
  • It invigorates the blood vessels thus preventing certain cardiovascular disorders.
  • Lowers the cholesterol level.
  • It allows the absorption of iron in the body much easier.
  • Having an antihistamine action, it is effective in treating allergies and asthma.

– It has a significant contribution in removing the state of fatigue, stress, anxiety.

? Disorders due to vitamin deficiency. C
although we are in the 21st century, scurvy can still be encountered, due to some disturbances in the body that lead to a deficient assimilation and an exaggerated elimination of this vitamin from the body. Elderly personnel, alcoholics, smokers are prone to Vit.C deficiency. Babies fed with preferred milk or by mothers who have vitamin C deficiency can suffer from vitaminosis.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vit.C
In medical history, until now there have been no recorded cases in which someone was intoxicated with this vitamin. However, where you exaggerate and exceed 3000 mg/day, heartburn, diarrhea or kidney stones may occur.
When the daily dose should reach 1000mg/day, it is necessary to combine it with a magnesium supplement. These amounts should not be administered to people suffering from renal failure.

? Useful advice:
Vitamin C does not cure any kind of cancer, but it contributes to the elimination of toxins from the body.
Vitamin C cannot prevent contracting the flu virus
Treatment with Vit.C can influence the results of some biological tests such as those for determining blood glucose or urine analysis.
Be careful when using chewing gum that contains vitamin C, because it can damage the enamel of the teeth.
A smoker who smokes 20 cigarettes a day can have a Vit.C deficit of 25%.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also called anti-rickets, is fat-soluble (that is, it is absorbed by fats) and is essential for the assimilation of calcium that is deposited in the bones.
Vitamin D (calciferol) has two subgroups – Vit. D2 – ergocalciferol
and Vit. D3-cholecalciferol.

*The recommended average daily dose is between 10-20 mg

Unlike the others, vit.D can be produced by the body.
Ultraviolet rays trigger the synthesis process of vit.D in the epidermis.
Vit. D is contained in fatty fish, sardines, salmon, herring, fish oil, egg yolk, butter, milk, non-fat dairy products
Vegetables do not contain this vitamin.

Regulates heart rate.
It strengthens the immune system.
It ensures the transport of calcium and phosphorus to the areas of the body that need them
It allows the absorption of these minerals in the intestine and transports calcium into the blood.

  • Disorders due to vitamin deficiency. D
    Bone decalcification is the first danger of Vit. D deficiency, leading to osteoporosis, osteomalacia, decreased muscle tone, rickets in children.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vit.D
A ration of over 50mg is enough to trigger the feeling of thirst, fatigue, the need to urinate often, vomiting, constipation, anorexia
Doses exceeding 250mg/day can cause poisoning.
The large amounts of calcium that can be stored due to this in the lungs, heart, kidneys, blood vessels, can generate serious situations.

*Useful advice:
Vitamin D reserves can be made during the summer, by exposure to the sun (approximately 10 minutes).
Vit.D is recommended for women over 50 years old.
People who live in urban agglomerations, those who carry out nocturnal activities must take vitamin supplements. D.

Vitamin E

Tocopherols and tocotrienols constituting vit.E are grouped into four categories: alpha, beta, gamma, delta.
Vit.E is fat-soluble and sensitive to alkaline environments and oxidation.

*The daily dose is between 12-20mg.
The recommended amount may vary depending on the geographical areas. In France it is 12-15mg, in Canada it is 3-10mg, in the USA 40-80mg, and here it is 12-20mg.

The main food sources rich in Vit.E are vegetable oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids: soy, sunflower, corn, oleaginous fruits: sunflower seeds, peanuts, cereal germs, green vegetables and tomatoes.


  • By protecting the body’s healthy cells from free radicals and polluting agents, it prevents the occurrence of cancer.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Alleviates the feeling of fatigue, improves mental performance, helps the body to recover after a sustained effort,
  • Disorders due to vitamin deficiency. E
    Hypovitaminosis E can occur in children born prematurely, in patients with Crohn’s disease,
    Other symptoms generated by avitaminosis E are: cyst disorders. central nervous system, ophthalmic problems, anemia, sterility.

*Irregularities due to excessive consumption of vit.E
Vitamin E has no toxic effects, but people prone to bleeding should not consume large amounts.
Patients who follow treatments with vit.K can take vit.E only with the recommendation of the attending physician.

  • Useful advice:
    Iron should not be taken simultaneously with vit.E.
    Vitamin E is recommended when following drug treatments with certain antibiotics.
    Vegetable oils that undergo chemical treatments lose their Vit.E content.
Vitamin K

It is also called antihemorrhagic, intervening in blood coagulation. It is present in the body naturally, but it is not found in commercial preparations. Indispensable to life, vit.K resists heat, but not light, in the presence of oxygen and in alkaline environments.

*The daily dose is between 10-55 mcg.
In general, children need an amount of 10-30mcg, and adults between 35-80mcg.

It is found in green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, peas, cauliflower.
Vit.K is also produced by our own intestinal flora.


  • Participates in calcium fixation and protein metabolism.
  • It intervenes in blood coagulation.
  • Disorders due to vitamin deficiency. K
    Repeated bleeding due to lack of vitamin K can lead to anemia.
    In newborns, because they do not yet have the bacteria necessary to produce vit.K, it is recommended to systematically administer doses of vitamin K.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of vit.K
Hypervitaminosis is almost impossible, as well as vitamin K intoxication. At excessively high doses, allergic reactions may occur.

  • Useful advice:
    To follow a treatment with vit.K, a medical prescription is required.
    antibiotics attack the intestinal flora and that is why it is recommended to eat yogurt.
    People who use anticoagulants, in order to prevent heart attack, vascular and cerebral accidents, should not take vit.K supplements
    People who have nosebleeds are recommended to eat foods rich in this vitamin.

Mineral therapy

Minerals, like trace elements (elements that are found in the human body in very small quantities, fulfilling the role of catalyst in some biological processes) are essential to life, fulfilling important functions.

They intervene in the vital processes in the body and cannot be replaced by any other substance.

Due to the fact that they cannot be synthesized by the body, they must be brought from outside, from food or supplements.

A deficit of these substances can lead to major imbalances in the body, triggering various ailments.

Minerals and trace elements act like coenzymes, ensuring the triggering of chemical reactions or the survival of microorganisms.

Some of them intervene in the production of substances useful for the transmission of messages to the nervous system, as is the case in Psoriasis, when the messages sent by the nervous system to the internal organs liver, kidneys, adrenals, end up distorted, disrupting their proper functioning, which leads to the appearance of lesions skin

Also, these minerals and trace elements are responsible for the production of thyroid hormones and adrenal gland hormones, as well as the transformation of carbohydrates and lipids into energy.

They all participate in the transformation of cells into bone, dental, epidermal tissue or into blood vessels.

A varied and balanced diet can provide all the necessary minerals for the body.


The first mineral I will present to you is BORON. This is less known, but it has been proven that it helps in bone formation.

*The daily dose is not precisely established, but the body’s needs would be between 1.5-3 mg.

  • The main sources are vegetable foods: cherries, apples, grapes, lettuce, beans and nuts.
  • Role:
    -Helps to produce energy.
  • Contributes to the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  • Stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone in menopausal women.

*Disorders due to deficit or excessive consumption:
Being closely related to calcium and magnesium in the body, a deficiency of boron can generate disturbances caused by the latter, but no poisonings with boron have been reported so far.


Calcium is the indispensable element for resistance and bone structure, it is found in a proportion of 99.9% in the skeleton.

*The daily dose is between 850-1500 mg
A dose of 1200mg is recommended for children, about 850mg for adults, and 1500mg for pregnant women.

  • Sources:
    Dairy products contain the most calcium, and among vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, spinach.
  • Role:
  • Ensures the strength of bone tissue and teeth.
    -It acts, on several levels, in blood coagulation
  • It intervenes in muscle activity, mainly that of the myocardium.
    -Participates in enzymatic activity.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
Dental caries, bone demineralization – osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets and muscle pain can indicate a calcium deficiency.

*Disorders due to excessive calcium consumption:
If a dose of 2000mg is exceeded, constipation and kidney stones (kidney stones) may occur.
An overdose of calcium can cause hypercalcemia – thirst, heartburn, abdominal cramps – and hypertension.

  • Useful advice:
    In general, in association with magnesium, it can induce drowsiness.
    Those who excessively consume carbonated drinks can damage their calcium reserves due to the phosphoric acid they contain (phosphorus is a calcium destroyer.)
    When calcium is used in parallel with antibiotics, it is recommended to take a break of at least 3 hours between their administration. Simultaneous use is not recommended.

Located in the center of vitamin B12 molecules, cobalt plays an essential role in the production of red blood cells. It is the only function that is recognized, but it is an essential function.
*Daily dose:
As in the case of Boron, a minimum and maximum required dose cannot be established

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
No symptoms attributed to cobalt deficiency have ever been reported in humans.


Chromium is an element without which the body would not exist, because it is involved in many metabolic functions.

*The daily dose is between 120-200mcg

  • Sources: Brewer’s yeast, seafood, meat, broccoli, grape juice.
  • Role: By intervening in the transport of glucose to the cells, where it is transformed into energy, it reduces the risk of diabetes.
    -Intervening in the production of “good” cholesterol, it alleviates atherosclerosis.
  • Lowers blood pressure.

*Irregularities due to Chromium deficiency:
Some of the people with chromium deficiency develop glucose intolerance, leading to hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia.

  • Fatigue, obesity, type II diabetes, hypoglycemia and atherosclerosis are signs of chromium deficiency.

*Irregularities due to excessive chromium consumption:
Inflammatory lesions of the skin and mucous membranes and the significant increase in lung cancer cases can be effects of prolonged exposure to chromium vapors.

  • Useful advice:
    Patients who have been diagnosed with type II diabetes can use a chromium supplement, but long-term noninsulin-dependent diabetics cannot.
    The lack of this element is most often felt after the age of 40.

When we say copper, we always think of the metal from which electrical cables and coins are made. However, it is good to know that this metal is indispensable for our body.

*The daily dose is between 1.5-3 mg.

  • Sources: Green vegetables, mushrooms, green beans, crustaceans, liver, nuts, seeds, whole grains.
  • Role: Copper has an important role in the production of enzymes that protect our body against certain toxic substances, such as free radicals, cadmium.
    Participate in energy production.
    It intervenes in the formation of the basic connective tissue.
    Prevents anemia through iron absorption.
    It produces neurochemical substances essential for the proper functioning of the brain.
    It can influence the proper functioning of muscles, nerves and the immune system.
    It can reduce allergic manifestations by reducing the production of histamine.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
Being in a close relationship with iron, its lack in the body can sometimes lead to anemia, fatigue and breathing disorders.
Body deficiency in the body can lead to heart failure by thinning the walls of the blood vessels.
Sometimes a depigmentation of the skin may occur due to the lack of copper in the body.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of:
Even though we have seen that this metal can bring many benefits to our body, it is good to know that too much copper can have repercussions on health. The excess is manifested by vomiting, insomnia, hair loss, hypertension, irregular menstrual cycle and sometimes even depression.

  • Useful advice:
    People suffering from hepatitis, cirrhosis, Wilson’s disease (hereditary disease) should not take any copper supplements.
    A diet that includes regular servings of green vegetables can make copper supplements unnecessary.

Having an important role in blood balance, iron is the mineral that is lost the most during menstruation. It should also be taken into account that during pregnancy and breastfeeding, mothers’ bodies have increased doses of this mineral.

*The daily dose is between 10-18mg.
For children up to 11 years old, 0.1 mg of iron/kg body weight is recommended.
The adult man must consume 10mg
Adult women between 16 and 18 mg, and pregnant and lactating women, between 20 and 22 mg

  • Sources:
    Iron is mainly found in food and comes in two forms:
  1. Heme iron, easier for the body to absorb, which comes from red meat (especially liver), fish and brown meat from turkey.
  2. Nonheme iron, harder for the body to absorb, which is found in green vegetables such as spinach, parsley, leeks, cabbage, beetroot leaves. Legumes, dried fruits and integrated cereals
  • Role:
    A large part (approximately 70%) of the iron in our body is involved in the production of hemoglobin, the substance that helps red blood cells carry oxygen to all the cells of the body. Good oxygenation of the body prevents fatigue.
    The other part (30%) is stored in different organs, such as the spleen, liver, spinal cord.
    It can reduce the risk of anemia and strengthen resistance to diseases.
    *Irregularities due to the deficit:
    The adult man loses about 1mg of iron per day. Women, during the menstrual cycle, lose up to 15 mg of iron daily.
    Even if anemia is the main symptom of iron deficiency, it must be taken into account that infections that the body cannot face can also be caused by iron deficiency. In these situations, the defense cells accumulate the iron normally required for red blood cells.
    It should be borne in mind that not all forms of anemia are responsible for iron deficiency.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of:
Due to the toxic effects that can occur with an overdose of iron, it is necessary to take precautions. If the daily needs are met through food, it is not necessary to add iron from supplements.
Iron overdose causes nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea. In the long term, by storing it on the joints, it can lead to arthritis.

  • Useful advice:
    Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron, unlike calcium and tannin, which slow down assimilation.

Fluorine is a very well-known element, being present in the substances we use all the time, such as water and toothpaste. Fluorine is a substance that enters into the composition of the body’s hard tissues such as cartilage, bones, teeth.

*The daily dose is between 1.5-4 mg.
The need for fluoride increases with age, so for children aged 0-6 months it is 0.1-0.5 mg, from 6 months to 11 months it is 0.2-1 mg, from 1 to 3 years it is 0, 5-1.5 mg, from 4 to 6 years it is 1-2.5 mg, from 7 to 18 years 1.5-2.5 mg

  • Sources:
    Saltwater fish (salmon, mackerel), tea and fluoridated water.
  • Role:
    Protects tooth enamel against acids.
    It helps to strengthen the bone tissue.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of:
One of the signs of excessive fluoride consumption is the yellowing of the teeth and their staining, as well as bone pain.
People suffering from kidney failure present a risk of intoxication.

  • Useful advice:
    Women who have used a mixture of calcium and fluoride for a long time, after menopause, have a low risk of fractures.

It is the second most important mineral in the human body. Phosphorus is distributed equally in all cells: 85% is deposited in the bones, in its mineral form we also find it in the blood

*The daily dose is 1000mg.

  • Sources:
    Dried fruits, lean meat (beef, chicken), fish, skim milk.
    Phosphoric acid is included in the composition of carbonated drinks in large quantities.
  • Role:
    Increases bone strength, in combination with calcium.
    It participates in the synthesis of phospholipid cells, which transport fats.
    It is the body’s energy source.
    It is included in the composition of DNA and RNA as well as in the composition of myelin.
    It helps kidney function.
    It contributes to maintaining a constant heart rate.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
Since foods containing phosphorus are ubiquitous in the human diet, deficiencies are quite rare.
It must be taken into account that sugar is a destroyer of the relationship between phosphorus and calcium.
Numbness of the extremities, decreased muscle tone, loss of reflexes, irregular breathing, neurological and cardiac disorders, can be the cause of phosphorus deficiency.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of:
An excess of phosphorus has a direct implication on calcium, which is eliminated from the bones and reaches the blood.
Excess phosphorus can cause hypocalcemia.
Phosphorus has no toxic effect.

  • Useful advice:
    Carbonated drinks contain large amounts of phosphoric acid, which endanger calcium absorption.
    People who have passed the age of 40 should know that phosphorus is more difficult to eliminate from the body due to the decrease in kidney function.

Iodine plays an important role in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates the secretion of several hormones directly related to general metabolism.

*The daily dose is 150-200mcg.

  • Sources:
    The main sources are: iodized salt, algae, saltwater fish, seafood, sea salt.
  • Role:
    Iodine entering the composition of thyroxine, the hormone that regulates energy production, that maintains constant body temperature, breathing and muscle tone.
    It ensures the health of the skin, hair and nails.
    It helps to maintain body weight.
    In experiential use, it helps to heal wounds, in the treatment of inflammations and infections.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
Goiter is the most visible symptom of iodine deficiency.
Hypothyroidism (diminished activity of the gland) can lead to weight gain, decreased libido, palpitations, decreased body temperature and behavioral changes.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of:
In its natural state, iodine does not present any risk of toxicity.
In treatment, it can cause allergies, yellowing of the skin and nails. An overdose of iodine can trigger hyperthyroidism, which is manifested by tremors of the extremities, tachycardia, hot flashes.

  • Useful advice:
    Iodine supplementation must be done following the doctor’s recommendation and is contraindicated for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.
    Certain foods, such as broccoli, cabbage and peanuts, slow down the absorption of iodine by the thyroid.

This mineral has an essential contribution to numerous metabolic functions, being predominantly present in the bone tissue, but it is also found in the muscles, heart, liver, kidneys, digestive tract and plasma.

*The daily dose is 499mg

  • Sources:
    Magnesium is found in whole grains, oleaginous fruits (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), legumes (beans, beans), spinach, avocado, broccoli, apples, bananas, citrus fruits,
  • Role:
    First of all, magnesium enters the metabolism of glycines, lipids and proteins.
    It provides energy to the body.
    It activates muscle contraction and prevents cramps
    It transmits nerve impulses
    It has certain enzymatic activities and participates in cardiac regulation.
    Vit C facilitates the assimilation of calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
    It prevents the formation of stones and the calcification of blood vessels.
    Strengthens tooth enamel.
    Used in other forms of salts (carbonate, oxide, or hydroxide) it can serve as a gastric dressing.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
Magnesium deficiencies can occur very frequently.
Stress, diuretics, medicines that control asthma, certain antibiotics, alcohol and caffeine are factors that can deplete magnesium reserves and generate a deficit.
The symptoms are varied: tetany, tingling, spasmophilia, decreased appetite, loss of coordination, insomnia, irritability, vomiting, rhinitis, sore throat, etc.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of:
Renal failure is sometimes the direct cause of an accumulation of magnesium in the body, therefore the magnesium supplement is not recommended for people who have this condition.
The possibility of intoxication becomes real when the doses reach the level of 1000mg/day, the effect being diarrhea.

  • Useful advice:

People who have heart conditions should consult their doctor before taking magnesium supplements.


Manganese is an indispensable element, being a trace element with a role in fulfilling many functions of the body.

*The daily dose is 2-5 mg

  • Sources:
    Food also constitutes the main source. Pineapple juice, green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, dried vegetables, tea leaves.
  • Role:
    Manganese participates in the synthesis of collagen, the substance responsible for skin regeneration. Collagen is a material of conjunctive nature, resistant, which serves to form various tissues in the body, such as bones, cartilages. Manganese has a role in preventing arthrosis.
    It participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, steroids and several hormones.
    It ensures the balance of certain neurological functions, such as memory.
    It activates the production of breast milk.
    Frees the city from polluting agents thanks to its antioxidant properties.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
In certain people whose manganese level was below the lower limit, bone problems were observed.
A deficiency can cause allergies, joint pain, palpitations, tachycardia, agitation and sometimes sterility.
The body’s ability to eliminate excess glucose decreases when there is a lack of manganese, and insulin production also decreases.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption:
The risk of toxicity is non-existent, however if it is exaggerated, in the long term high doses can cause hypertension.

  • Useful advice:

If you exaggerate with calcium and phosphorus supplements, the effects of manganese are reduced.
Smokers and heavy drinkers must monitor their manganese intake


Molybdenum is a trace element that serves as a catalyst in certain important chemical reactions, especially in the metabolism of sulfur and sulfated amino acids.

*The daily dose is 75 mcg.

  • Sources:
    In general, if the daily diet contains green vegetables, beans, whole grains, dairy products, there is no problem with supplementing molybdenum.
  • Role:
    This trace element is included in the composition of enzymes designed to clean cells of sulfites, substances that are found in foods, especially those rich in proteins, and which are used as preservative agents for food products and medicines.
    It is included in the composition of other enzymes intended for the production of uric acid, resulting from the degradation of DNA and RNA nucleic acids, which serve to eliminate numerous substances.

*Disorders due to deficit or excessive consumption:

There is no such thing . This can only happen in patients who are artificially fed for a long period of time
Deficiency of molybdenum is almost impossible, because our body takes almost double the amount from our daily diet.
An amount greater than 500 mcg may cause less assimilation of copper.


Potassium appears in nature in the form of salts and acts mainly on the level of electrolyte balance.

*The daily dose is 3500mg (3.5g)

  • Sources:
    Fish, fruits (bananas, apricots, prunes), vegetables (spinach, tomatoes, potatoes), poultry meat are the most important sources.
  • Role:
    It is an important regulator of blood pressure, because it extracts sodium from the cells, which leads to a reduction in the volume of fluids in the body.
    Participates in chemical reactions involving proteins and carbohydrates (stimulating insulin secretion)
    Activates kidney function
    Influence of electrical cardiac and neuromuscular phenomena.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
Alcoholics, those who drink a lot of coffee, those who consume sweets, diabetics, those who abuse diuretics and laxatives, as well as those who have followed cortisone treatment for a long time, are prone to develop potassium deficiencies. This increases the risk of hypokalemia (low concentration of potassium in the blood)
Potassium deficiencies produce hypertension, fatigue, irregular heart rhythm, muscle cramps, even confusion and irritability.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption:
Administration of doses higher than 5000 mg/day may affect the mineral balance. A dose of potassium chloride of 25 mg can cause serious poisoning of the body.

  • Useful advice:

potassium supplements are totally not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes or kidney failure, or who take drugs with diuretic or hypertensive action.


Selenium is important in ensuring the body’s vital functions

*The daily dose is 60-80 mcg.
Women’s daily needs are 60mcg and men’s 80mcg

  • Sources:
    Clams, crab, oysters, tuna, lobster, liver and kidneys, whole grains, nuts, garlic, onions and brewer’s yeast are sources that can provide the daily selenium requirement.
  • Role:
    Prevents the pathogenic, destructive action of viruses in the body.
    It is part of the enzymes that protect cells from the oxidative action of free radicals
    Prevents the formation of cancer cells.
    It slows down aging.
    Revitalizes the appearance of hair and skin.
    Supports the immune system.
    Cleanses the body of substances such as arsenic, cadmium and mercury.
    It prevents the formation of cataracts and heart muscle injuries.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
Signs such as premature aging, increased fatigue, weakening of resistance to infections and predisposition to cancer can indicate a selenium deficiency.
It has been proven that in regions where the soil has a lower concentration of selenium, there is a higher percentage of cases of breast and colon cancer, and even heart disorders.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption:
In quantities greater than 500mcg/day, selenium can become very toxic and act as a poison for the body. Hair loss, fragility of nails, dizziness, nausea and the taste of metal in the mouth are alarm signals.

  • Useful advice:
    Smokers, alcohol consumers are threatened by free radicals and therefore they must be more careful when consuming selenium.
    For external use, selenium is used to combat dandruff

Sodium is a mineral that we find in large quantities in extracellular fluids (blood plasma)

*The daily dose is 1-3 g
To observe and keep under control the daily amount, it is necessary to know that one teaspoon (5ml) is equivalent to 2000mg (2g) of sodium.

  • Sources:
    All industrially treated foods contain high doses of sodium, either to enhance their taste or for long-term preservation.
    So, most of the meat products, vegetables, fish, canned and canned soups, crustaceans, cereals, sauces and, of course, table salt.
  • Role:
  • Regulates the volume of liquids.
    -Together with potassium, it ensures the normal permeability of all agents indispensable to the body.
  • improves the transmission of nerve and muscle impulses.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
A low level of sodium can cause hyperhydration, which can lead to digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of:
Too much sodium in the body can lead to dehydration which can lead to confusion or convulsions and finally coma.

  • Useful advice:
    Some studies claim that sodium can negatively affect blood pressure. but it seems that reasonable consumption does not increase hypertension

Although sulfur is a mineral characterized by its pungent and pungent smell, it contributes to the normal functioning of the human body.

*The daily dose is not exactly established.

  • Sources:
    All foods rich in protein, such as meat and fish, certain waters, even the air, provide us with this mineral.
  • Role:
    -Intervenes on toxic agents in the body
  • It is related to the proteins specialized in the manufacture of bone tissue and those with a role in the health of nails and hair
    -it attaches itself to several toxins, which it transforms into chemical substances that are no longer toxic.

*Disorders due to deficit or excessive consumption:
No such irregularities were reported

  • Useful advice:
  • The sulfates that are occasionally found in prepared foods and in drugs from the sulfonamide group have nothing to do with sulfur as a mineral.

Zinc can be considered one of the most important trace elements due to its involvement in the mechanisms of cellular construction and production.

*The daily dose is 12-15 mg
It is good to specify that this dose varies according to certain conditions. For children, 5-10 mg is recommended; for adults, between 12 and 15 mg.

  • Sources:
    The main suppliers of zinc are foods rich in animal proteins, such as meat, fish, seafood, eggs, and dairy products, as well as brewer’s yeast and beans.
  • Role:
    -It enters the composition of over 200 enzymes and activates them.
  • It is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA proteins
    -Helps with cell renewal and synthesis required by growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding, wound healing, etc.
  • Facilitates the regulation of blood sugar and the release of insulin.
    -Strengthens the immune system due to its antioxidant action.
  • Eliminates excess copper
  • Eliminates cadmium.

*Irregularities due to the deficit:
When administering calcium, alcohol, diuretics, penicillin, it must be taken into account that these contribute to the depletion of zinc reserves. This can be manifested by loss of appetite, weight loss, weakening of the immune system, slow healing of wounds, brittle nails, hair loss, anemia, depression, loss of sense of taste.

*Disorders due to excessive consumption of:
Too much zinc destroys copper deposits and causes anemia and severe headaches. An excess of zinc also causes an increase in “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and a decrease in “good” cholesterol (HDL).
Zinc supplements that exceed 2000mg can sometimes cause gastrointestinal disturbances.

  • Useful advice:

Zinc supplements are sometimes recommended to stop prostate hypertrophy.
Those who have switched to low-fat diets, the elderly, vegetarians and people who do not consume red meat, are prone to zinc deficiency.

Physical therapy

Physiotherapy (massages, filiform shower)

Massage is a therapeutic method practiced in the treatment of dermatoses of the face. The massage activates the blood circulation, intensifies the normal functions of the skin, influences the tissue metabolism and achieves tonosedative aspects.

Through massages, the evacuation of sebaceous gland secretions is facilitated and the resorption of pathological infiltrates is accelerated.

The massage can be applied to the hairy skin of the head; it activates the blood circulation and practiced regularly, seborrhea and seborrheic alopecia can be prevented.

Facial plastic massage, skillfully done, can prevent wrinkles and in cases of acne, help to eliminate blackheads. Also, the healing of callous ulcers is helped by massages.

The filiform shower uses a filiform jet, with higher pressure. He required a special device. It is indicated for acne, pruritus, lichen planus, rebellious psoriasis and chronic eczema.

Ultrasound is successfully applied in keloid scars, skin sclerosis and fibrous lesions.

  1. The cold is applied in the form of cold compresses, simple or medicated, or in the form of ice packs. Their action is antiphlogistic, antipruritic and sedative. The temperature of cold compresses can be lowered if we introduce pieces of ice into the solution or if we mix water with alcohol in equal parts, in order to increase the loss of heat through rapid evaporation.
  2. The lower temperature can be obtained by refrigeration with the help of the ethyl chloride jet, which, through immediate evaporation, freezes the skin. This becomes hard, insensitive and white in color. The method is mainly used in anesthesia, but it can also be used to obtain the strong hyperemia that follows the freezing phase.
  3. With the help of liquefied carbon dioxide at high pressure (50 atm), through sudden expansion, it is possible to obtain carbonic snow, at about -80 degrees. This snow can be mixed with ether or acetone, for a more pronounced decrease in temperature. Dry ice has a caustic action, with application in the treatment of dermatoses such as lupus erythematosus.


  1. In the form of warm poultices, prepared from flax, millet or corn flour (mamaliga) or heated salt.
  2. Heat from an electricity source or from the burning of flammable vapors, reddening a platinum wire, can be used to cauterize pathogenic tissues. The method is mainly used to open abscesses, folliculitis, purulent collections, because it has the advantage of not favoring the spread of infection by opening vessels.

Phytotherapy, sometimes addressing chronic patients, involves a long-term, well-managed treatment, while respecting the other medical indications.

The first data attesting that the Sumerians used medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes, are dated 6000 BC, which described numerous plants used by them to cure diseases.

In antiquity, Hippocrates, the most famous physician, wrote the work “Corpus Hipocraticus”, in which more than 200 medicinal plants are described.

The Arabs were the first to obtain herbal medicines, in the form of teas, syrups, poultices, etc.

Even Herodotus shows us that the Dacians had knowledge and used medicinal plants for the preparation of various medicines. Thus, in a Viennese copy of the famous work of Dioscorides, entitled “De materia medica”, written in the first century of our era, we find 24 Dacian names of medicinal plants.

The Latin poet Virgil, referring to the rich variety of plants found on the Romanian coast of the Black Sea, states in one of his writings that “The Bridge of Cures” that many ventured into the unknown, taking all the risks arising from this adventure, to collect the healing herbs from Pontus.” Pontus bears many herbs,” he stated.

The first Romanian Pharmacopoeia, published in Bucharest in 1862, includes 300 simple remedies, of which 217 were of plant origin, so that later in the Pharmacopoeia from 1976, which is still in force, it should be indicated that plant products are included in medicines in – a proportion of 32%. Thus, I cite some of the most common Romanian pharmaceutical products that have active plant substances in their formula: codamine, cofedol, digitalin, digoxin distonocalm, ergomet, extraveral, fasconal, lizadon, nervocalm, scobutil, sirogal, ulcerotrat, etc.

If our ancestors used medicinal plants according to tradition, today their use should be scientifically substantiated, based on tests and laboratory research. But this is done with a lot of inertia and very few specialists are receptive. And now, in the third millennium, we are forced to use the Romanian tradition and the Babest remedies as they were passed down from generation to generation.

Will it always be like this!

Moreover, the chapter of phytotherapy is far from being finished anywhere in the world, even if the allopathic medicine industry is stronger than the armaments industry. This, on the one hand, because there are still many medicinal plants waiting to be discovered, or rediscovered, on the other hand, because even the known medicinal plants have not fully revealed their secrets.

Basic principles of phytotherapy

The therapeutic value of medicinal plants is based on the relationship between the chemical structure of the active substances and their pharmacodynamic action on the reactive elements of the body. Some plants have multiple pharmacodynamic properties due to the fact that most medicinal plants have a complex chemical composition, starting from two or three compounds and reaching up to 20, 30 identified chemical substances. When we use medicinal teas or mixtures of tinctures, plant powders or other complex pharmaceutical forms that contain different active substances, the pharmacodynamic action can be amplified or diminished. In other cases, not only the wrong association can lead to the failure of the therapeutic goal, but also opposite, harmful effects known as adverse reactions can be obtained. A correct treatment can only be done on the basis of a correct diagnosis, or this can only be done on the basis of clinical and laboratory examinations carried out by a general practitioner.

The first principle of phytotherapy emerges from these presented data, as for any other medicine, namely that the pharmaceutical product obtained from plants should be effective and not harmful to the body.

The second principle of phytotherapy is the use of plant species as appropriate as possible for the treatment of the condition the patient is suffering from, with particular emphasis on innate or acquired tolerance and on the individualized bioavailability of the medicine. In order to obtain therapeutic effects in Psoriasis, which is a chronic disease, a long-term, well-conducted treatment is necessary, done conscientiously and respecting the other indications at the same time.

The third principle of phytotherapy emphasizes compliance with an adequate diet and other therapeutic factors. In the present case, we can start from the idea that the human body should not be deprived through strict food regimes, in which certain foods are allowed and others prohibited, because a person cannot live a whole life with these deprivations. And there is also the possibility that when the regimen is interrupted, the disease will recur.

The result I obtained was also due to the fact that the medicinal plants are by definition addressed to the body, not exclusively to a specific organ, an extremely important fact knowing that the most trivial suffering is not confined only to a specific sector of the body, but it affects him as a whole, even if we don’t notice it.

Therefore, phytotherapy does not address the disease but the patient.

Getting sick with Psoriasis and facing the gloomy prospect of so many cases that could not be solved, I remembered what the well-known phytotherapist Ovidiu Bojor said about the way medicinal plants act on the body: “The human body – specifies this – in its entirety resembles a mechanism that at some point no longer works perfectly. Wanting to bring this mechanism to its initial state, we will have to discover those assemblies or sub-assemblies of the mechanism, which caused the “seizing” of the engine.

In the case of the car, this operation is simple, we examine the piece by piece until we see which one causes the failure.

In the case of humans, in order for the “machine” to work, the condition of all cells should be checked because ultimately the disease occurs at the cellular level. Of course, both chemotherapy and phytotherapy try to prevent or repair the disorders that have occurred, only as a natural screwdriver of phytotherapy is somewhat finer than the artificial one of synthetic chemotherapy and fits better to more cells, being an integral part of life, a result of vital cellular processes. What the plant cell of the medicinal plant offers us is much closer to the animal cell of our body.

Polarized light

The human body is made up of 100% cells, more precisely from cca. 60-70 million cells. Chemical and physical processes take place in these cells. In order for the cellular system to function, it needs a certain amount of energy that comes from elements of light, air, water, but also from nutrients and positive electromagnetic waves that come from our environment.

Therefore, if we want to keep the body healthy, it is necessary to be able to positively influence the biological system, to be able to activate the body’s self-defense capabilities, to be able to eliminate stress factors and to be able to activate regenerative processes.

Polarized light therapy can not only be combined without problems with other forms of treatment, but also supports and complements them, acting effectively in the depth of the tissues.

The Bioptron device uses linearly polarized light with a wavelength of 400-2000 mm.

The light waves emitted by this device cover the range from visible light to warm infrared waves. They do not contain ultraviolet waves and with an energy of 40mw/cm2 they are not dangerous for the body.

Mode of action of polarized light.

After many years of research in the medical field, it has been demonstrated how polarized light acts on cells and biological processes. Thus, exposure to polarized light exerts a complex influence on the body.

Thus, the following factors of direct influence can be distinguished:

  • the action of electromagnetic light waves.
  • thermal factors.

-factors dependent on the biological properties of the cells

  • optics (reflection coefficient)
  • permeability coefficient

-absorption coefficient

Under the influence of polarized light, the energetic activity of the cell membrane increases. The regeneration processes are activated, the absorption of oxygen in the tissues and the bioenergetic potential increase.

The regeneration and normalization of tissues is a consequence of the increase in cellular energy potential.

Polarized light favors general health and strengthens the body.

It is fully accepted in the therapeutic field, because:

  • has therapeutic influence in many diseases
  • no unwanted side effects are known.
  • the use is without direct contact and is antiseptic
  • the use of polarized light ideally complements traditional forms of treatment

In the treatment of the skin disease Psoriasis with the help of plants, respectively with Deniplant, the aim was to remove the internal deficiencies that lead to the appearance of this disease, resulting in the self-healing of the epithelial tissue. For this reason, the duration of the treatment is sometimes quite long (from a few months to a few years)

It has been observed that using the treatment with Deniplant and the treatment with polarized light in parallel, the healing process of the epithelial tissues is carried out faster. But in this case it should be noted that at the time of healing on the surface of the epithelial tissue, the treatment with Deniplant should not be interrupted, because there is a possibility that those internal problems that cause the disease have not been resolved (even if there are no signs on the outside) . For this reason, it is necessary to continue the herbal treatment for another period of time (with breaks of one, two, etc.). If during this period of treatment with breaks no more epithelial lesions appear, it can be considered that the treatment can be definitively stopped.

As in the case of psoriasis, when the polarized light acts on the destroyed epithelial tissues, an internal treatment is also needed, and in other conditions it is recommended to proceed in a similar way. Either one turns to allopathic medicine using drugs obtained through synthesis, or one turns to phytotherapeutic products.


The power of will and the power of thought

Ancient Indian and Chinese medicine emphasizes that a particularly important detail is the role of thought in the self-therapy of the individual in terrible diseases such as ischemic disease, coronary disease, psoriasis, arteritis, blood pressure disorders, cirrhosis, sexual impotence, neuroses, cancer, etc. .

People are enslaved by their own thoughts. Liberation from their relentless yoke (it’s about black thoughts) gives the respective individual powers of divine essence, therefore a great emphasis must be placed on controlling bad thoughts.

The thought of fear has the most frightening effect on the human being. And other thoughts, such as those that generate prolonged worry, uncertainty about tomorrow, suspicions, envy, affect the body, but do not destroy it as the thought of fear destroys it. Fear reduces the diameter of the blood vessels as a result of an excessive spillage of noradrenaline in the blood. This leads to a prolonged undersupply of arterial blood to the brain and other organs: the heart, liver, marrow, kidneys, skin, nervous system, therefore with oxygen and nutrients, which can lead to organic diseases, such as coronary heart disease , ischemia, hepatitis, skin diseases, neuroses and psychoses.

The bad thought or fear can be due to individual or general causes. I will not dwell on the individual ones, because they are largely due to the lack of thought education.

The general cause is stress, much more common in urban areas, stress caused by noise, tremors, vibrations, infected and intoxicated air (smog). Threats of different nature, horror films, a polluted culture, the consumption of synthetic foods and drinks, contaminated water, etc.

But if the stressful elements can be avoided by changing the environment, in which they are present, the bad thought can only be eliminated by a single method, namely re-education.

The general method of combating thought, or especially fear, is optimism, laughter, cheerfulness, an eternal smile.

Reading these lines, I am convinced that you will ask how a Psoriasis patient can be cheerful and with a smile on his face.

Of course, I didn’t succeed in this from the beginning either, but over time, when I noticed that the treatment was effective, I became optimistic and realized that it was only a matter of time.

A physical illness will affect the mind and a mental illness will affect the proper functioning of the body. Defective thinking simultaneously produces destructive changes in nervous and glandular secretions. Either it is a secretion of catecholamines, or that a disease has occurred in the secretion of the adrenal glands, which causes an excess release of adrenaline or noradrenaline. It is very bad for the body, because it generates sometimes lethal conditions, somatic cells can become intoxicated or serious blood vessel disorders or accidents can occur. Depressions of certain nervous or spiritual centers can occur, the blood can be poisoned with all the chemical essences developed during the negative shock produced by the bad thought. All the organs located in the digestive tract will suffer an extremely dangerous poisoning (stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, the digestion of food itself becomes problematic and hence all the negative consequences arising from an intoxication of all digestive juices.

I will end this chapter with one last example about the action of autosuggestion. Many people, as they get older, say to themselves “I am getting older, sicker and more helpless.” These thoughts create dangerous excavations in all its structures, producing wrinkling, drying and thinning of the skin, shocks of the glands that have their own psyche, as well as all internal organs. They are shocked, frightened by bad thoughts, leading to the sudden, sometimes irreversible deterioration of their functions, or in the most fortunate case, to regrettable wear and tear. Wear and tear of blood vessels, hair loss, cirrhosis, etc.

Keeping youthful thoughts in a good mood moment by moment tones the body and rejuvenates it. Thinking that we are 18 years old, our cells will rebuild their nucleus and will get the tone and will of a teenager and vice versa.

Being sick with Psoriasis, the thought that the treatment followed will bring us relief, healing, this will not be late to appear.

The close connection between the internal organs and the skin can be exemplified as follows:

  • The thyroid greatly influences the general appearance of the skin; – development of pilosity and secretion of sweat glands.

-Hypofunction of the adrenal glands leads to skin pigmentation (Addison’s disease)

  • The secretion of the Gonads regulates the appearance of hair depending on sex and the evolution of diseases such as Acne
  • Liver disorders influence the color and appearance of the skin.

-Deficient functioning of liver cells can lead to metabolic disturbances at the skin level in hepatitis (coloring, yellowing of mucous membranes and skin due to bilirubin deposits.) in cirrhosis to hyperpigmentation of exposed parts of the skin, can lead to allergic reactions with skin manifestations.

-Visceral cancers can lead to metastases and paraneoplastic changes in the skin (metastases have the appearance of violet-colored nodules that ulcerate quickly, have the appearance of “alices” and are located in the skin near the tumor or surgical scar.

  • Breast, lung, gastric, ovarian, uterine cancers lead to skin metastases.

-Thyroid imbalance together with heat and stress can lead to profuse sweating

  • Mycosis, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, anemia, liver and other internal organ diseases, can lead to nails, thickened, crumbly, brittle, soft, to changes in color and shape, to striations on their surface,

It is known that any substance placed on the skin, in 24 hours, circulates through the blood throughout the body. That is why it is very important to pay attention to which ointments or solutions for external use we use.

X-ray therapy

In the treatment of dermatoses, X-rays have an increasingly wide application. The rays obtained through a higher voltage current have a shorter wavelength and greater depth penetration power.

The X-ray emission tube produces at a certain voltage a beam of rays of different wavelengths, the beam being richer in rays of a certain wavelength. For their selection and therefore for the uniformity of the penetration power, filters are interposed between the tube and the skin that absorb the rays with too little penetration power and with unwanted side effects. Aluminum filters are used in superficial therapy, copper ones in deep therapy. Unfiltered rays very quickly produce erythema and radiodermatitis, so they are not used routinely.


It is done with radiopuncture and radio contact. Both forms are indicated in the treatment of benign skin neoplasms (angiomas, keloids) and malignant (basal and squamous cell epitheliomas)


Hydro-mineral treatment is an adjunct to local treatment. Mineral water has a local and a general action on some dermatoses.

The local action is conditioned by the different degrees of temperature through which the itching can be calmed and a sedative or exciting action can be obtained. The antiseptic action is conditioned by the chemical composition of the waters, arsenical waters having an antiseptic effect. Sulfuric waters have a keratoplasty action in dermatoses where sulfur deficiency is assumed (seborrhea) The radioactivity of radioactive waters excites cellular metabolism and tissue repair.

The general action exerts an influence on the change of the morbid terrain, in dermatoses conditioned by gastric, gastro-intestinal disorders, cholecystopathies, liver and kidney diseases and a sedative action on the nervous system. Sulfuric waters regulate intestinal functions, evacuation and fermentation, having a well-expressed cholagogic and diuretic action. Arsenical waters act on the glands and basal metabolism. Alkaline waters change the environment of the humors and modify the blood and skin pH, a factor that plays a very important role in allergic conditions. Thermal and radioactive waters have a sedative effect on the nervous system.

In our country, the most used mineral waters are the following:

  1. Arsenical waters. The most famous resorts are in the region of Suceva, with alkaline, arsenic, ferruginous and radioactive waters in the Transylvania area, Sangiorz, Tusnad, or Buzias.
  2. Iodized sulphurous waters: Baile Herculane, Govora, Calimanesti, Pucioasa, Someseni, Caciulata, Bazna.
  3. Hypothermic, oligometallic, siliceous and radioactive waters: Baile 1Mai, Bazna.
  4. Chloride-sodium waters: Ocnele mari, Ocna sibiului, Slanic Prahova, Sovata.

Propolis has anesthetic properties 3.6 times greater than cocaine and 5.2 times greater than novocaine. It also has bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, healing properties.

If in the past, honey and other bee products were used to supplement and improve human food, today they are also used to combat and prevent human pain and suffering, because bees have added to the primitive product, ferments, enzymes, bactericidal, bacteriostatic substances, which gave them certain therapeutic virtues.

Bee products can be used divided into two groups. Direct natural bee products such as honey wax, propolis, pollen, pasture, royal jelly, bee venom and apiarnil. Indirect natural bee products: mead, honey vinegar, honey cakes and cookies, wax creams, cosmetic preparations based on bee products.

Honey in combination with propolis and royal jelly has proven to be effective in diseases of the digestive tract, liver, nervous asthenia, insomnia.

There are many apitherapeutic products in our country. In the treatment of dermatological conditions, propolis spray or different creams can be used.

Honey can be consumed plain or as an addition to tea.

Acupuncture and phytotherapy in psoriasis

Acupuncture treatment was briefly mentioned and described, for the first time in our country, by N. Vatamanu, in the monograph “Modern Reflexotherapy”, published by the “Orientarea” publishing house in 1934.

The initiator of acupuncture practiced here was Ion Bratu (1910-1965), a first-rate medical personality at that time. In 1973, the first “National Acupuncture Symposium” was held in Bucharest, the works presented then being collected in a volume entitled “Manualul de acupunctura” (N.N. Gheorghiu, Cr. Dragomirescu, C. Raut, C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste, St. Ciuca)

The International Congress of Acupuncture and Applied Technology held in Bucharest in 1977, resumed the series of national symposia that have been held since then and until now in Romania.

Also at such a congress, a paper was presented by two doctors, renowned acupuncture specialists, entitled “Acupuncture and Phytotherapy in Psoriasis – Clinical Observations.”

The results of a study conducted on 20 patients were presented, of which:

  • 12 with localized Psoriasis (elbows, knees, scalp), 5 female, 7 male;
  • 8 with generalized Psoriasis: 5 female, 3 male.

Age: 19 – 54 years, with a large share in the 20-30 age group (10 cases).

All patients were in chronic allopathic treatment with temporary improvements, in some cases, the reappearance of elements of psoriasis immediately after stopping the treatment.

Energy Diagnosis:

  • Psoriasis – skin Wind-Heat syndrome + Xue stasis = 9 cases;
  • Psoriasis – Wind-Dry skin syndrome and Xue = 11 cases.

Treatment used: A.-Acupuncture+B.-Phytotherapy

The principles of acupuncture treatment were:

  • activation of energy circulation;
  • activation of local blood microcirculation;
  • blood cooling;
  • removal of stasis and pathogenic wind;
  • moistening of dryness.

Rhythm: 1 session every 2 days x 8 sessions / series; 4 series / year.

B. Phytotherapy.

During the treatment and in the break between the acupuncture series, the patients followed phytotherapy daily, with the product Deniplant®,

The patients were clinically followed for a period of 5 years.


  • improvement of lesions after the first 4-6 acupuncture sessions;

the disappearance of lesions after 3 series of associated treatment (acupuncture + phytotherapy) in all patients with localized psoriasis;

  • in cases of generalized psoriasis, improvements were obtained after 10 months – 2 years of associated treatment;
  • the disappearance of lesions in 80% of patients (there were no relapses in the period of 2-3 years).

The conclusions of this study were:

  • the localized form of psoriasis responds very well to associated treatment (acupuncture + phytotherapy);
  • the generalized form is the variant in which the energy imbalances are complex, against a background of low immunity, requiring a long-term treatment;
  • an associated treatment, acupuncture + phytotherapy, offers more chances to approach some physiopathological mechanisms that induce the appearance and relapses of the disease, for both forms of disease manifestation.

So by applying these two natural treatments, psoriasis can be mastered and controlled.

Vegetable and fruit therapy

Today it is already known that many diseases can be prevented, improved and even cured with the help of mixed diets in which vegetables and fruits must be predominant.

Their main properties are due to the fact that, like medicinal plants, they contain numerous active principles, among which I would list: volatile oils, glycosides, flavonoids, enzymes, anthocyanins, sulfur compounds, mineral salts.

Vegetables and fruits are also important for their vitamin content, which are also nutritional and catabolic factors. With the exception of vitamins D and B12, which are found in very small amounts in some vegetables and fruits, the other vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6 are found in different amounts and proportions.

Next, I will list the main nutritional and sanogenetic properties of fruits and vegetables.

Carbohydrates, especially glucose, yeast and fructose are an important source of energy for the body. In addition to the vitamins I mentioned that they contain, fruits and vegetables also contain mineral salts such as (Ca, Na, K, P, Fe) which are also indispensable for the human body.

Having cellulose as their component, fruits and vegetables are stimulants of the intestinal transit, transit with special implications regarding somatic balance as well as mental balance and moods.

Among the therapeutic virtues of vegetables, we mention that celery and chicory are appetizers, radishes and lettuce are laxatives, asparagus, leeks, melons are diuretics, garlic and onions are vermifuges, red cabbage is expectorant, and white cabbage is cicatrizing.

Among the fruits, poppies have diuretic, urolytic, antiseptic properties, gorse has astringent, emollient properties, plums have stimulating properties of the nervous system, detoxifying, cherries have a purifying, sedative and tonic action for the nervous system.

Lemons, oranges, grapefruit, are exotic fruits that play an important role in cellular metabolism, in remineralization.

Vegetables and fruits can be consumed as such, or prepared in the form of juices.