Balneological plants for thermal balancing of the body and stimulation of lymphatic circulation
Medicinal plants from the spontaneous flora,
Form of presentation:
dry and ground powder packed in bags; 4 doses of 50 grams of loose plants used for balneological baths.
– Bath plants, through the active substances contained, have a direct action on the skin or mucous membranes, with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cicatrizing, sedative effects, etc.
– During the treatment with balneological plants, the capillary network of the skin manages to store 1/3 of the circulating blood, by removing it from a series of large deposits such as the liver, spleen, lungs, etc., implicitly decongesting them and then introducing it into normal blood circulation.
-Influences the dynamics of venous circulation (causes a peripheral vasodilatation, with a consequent decrease in blood pressure and a moderate tachycardia)
-Eliminates in large quantities the metabolic products of disassimilation
– It accentuates the metabolism of fats, as well as that of carbohydrates and the disassimilation of proteins, with the consequent increased elimination of urea and uric acid
– Decreases hydremia, respectively the water content of the body
– Inhibits the nervous system (feeling of sleep and relaxation)
– The active substances transported by the bloodstream reach the entire body, having action in certain internal diseases.
Indicated in:
Illnesses accompanied by overwork,
nervous disorders,
Circulatory disorders,
metabolic disorders,
Feelings of nervousness
Insomnia, restlessness, anxiety,
Adjuvant in metabolic diseases, internal diseases, gout, rheumatism or glandular disorders
Exclusively for external use
Duration of treatment:
4-6 baths, in relation to the evolution of the disease
I’m not.
Side effects:
They did not appear after long-term use.
Terms of validity:
2 years see the date on the prospectus;
it is kept in the dark and at a constant temperature
Other specifications:
Depending on the condition, it is recommended that phytobalneological procedures be associated with internal treatment with one of the Deniplant brand teas
It can be used in parallel with the allopathic medication established by the attending physician.
How to prepare Balneological Baths
Place the plants in a box in a quantity of 3-4 l of water. If necessary, the plants can be placed in a double gauze bag.
Bring to a boil and after it boils (started to boil), boil for another 5 minutes.
The entire amount is then placed in the bathtub with water, at a temperature of 35-40 degrees, so that it covers your whole body.
The duration of the bath is 15-30 minutes.
After the procedure, the body will not be dried by wiping with a towel. You will put on the bathrobe on your wet body and lie in bed, covered so that the air does not reach your body, for at least an hour. If you have sweated, change your underwear and sleep until morning.
johnfraskos –
Amazing! This parrot speaks!