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Psoriasis therapy

Teapie of the first choice in Psoriasis – Deniplant Challenge

Starting from the particularly high prevalence of this disease, which affects about 3% of the general population, we consider it appropriate to evaluate the benefit/risk ratio in establishing the first option therapy in Psoriasis.
Despite all the scientific progress recorded so far, the etiology of psoriasis still remains obscure, its evolution being generally slow, in stages, benign but in terms of vital prognosis. In other words, the natural evolution of the disease does not threaten the patient’s life. This feature is particularly important in choosing the first-line treatment. Personally, I consider it an error to use medicinal preparations or procedures that can generate adverse effects much more serious than the disease itself. Even corticosteroid ointments, often used in local applications, do nothing more than “fool” the disease for the time being, with subsequent negative consequences for the patient, because, after a short period of remission, the disease returns in force, the eruption becoming more pronounced and more extensive, in many cases (patients know this very well, on their own skin, literally).
Here, in short, in the table below, enumeratively, what side effects we can expect, in the case of the use of various medications or therapeutic procedures used today in the treatment of Psoriasis:

(in alphabetical order) POSSIBLE ADVERSE EFFECTS
1 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES Infections, thrombocytopenia, malignant tumors, hemolytic anemia, worsening of psoriasis
2 CIGNOLIN (DITRANOL) Redness, irritation and browning of the skin, skin rash, allergy
3 CORTICOSTEROIDS Superinfections, skin atrophy, pruritus, skin irritation, folliculitis, “rebound” phenomenon when treatment is stopped
4 METOTREXATE Diarrhea, skin flushing, dry lips and mouth, stomach pain, melena, hematuria, visual disturbance, chest pain, convulsions, cough, hoarseness, fever, chills, lip ulcers, hair loss, dyspnoea, bruising, various bleeding, skin peeling , alguria, dysuria, hyperchromic urine, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, yellowing of the skin and sclera, dizziness, headache, back pain, leukemia and other cancers
5 PSORALENE Itching, edema, burns, hyperpigmentation, carcinoma, keratoacanthoma, actinic keratosis, local irritations, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, nausea, insomnia, depression
6 PUVA The adverse effects of psoralens to which are added those of ultraviolet type A radiation, which can lead from a slight redness and itching of the skin to the development of skin carcinomas
7 RETINOIDS Itching, alopecia, epistaxis, teratogenic effects, dry desquamative cheilitis, labial folds, dryness and inflammation of transitional epithelia, epistaxis, conjunctivitis, intolerance to contact lenses, hair loss, paronychia, fragility of nails, desquamation of palmo-plantar integuments, headache, reduced twilight vision, muscle and osteoarticular pain

The table above does not pretend to be an exhaustive treatment in all aspects of the problem of side effects of antipsoriatic treatment, but it sheds light on many of the possible side effects that current therapy could generate. It is a deontological obligation of the attending physician to inform the patient, before the start of any treatment, of its benefits and risks. Only after the informed consent of the patient, the doctor can initiate the prescribed therapy.
In the sense of what has been presented, we consider of overwhelming importance the correct assessment of the seriousness of the assumed risk and not just its measure, as it is not so important how much we risk, but what we risk. For example, if by crossing a mountain stream we risk 80% of getting our socks wet, I think we could take this risk, even if it is high. However, we would not be in the same situation if we were to jump over a narrow trench, but tens of meters deep and on the bottom of which venomous snakes are crawling: even if we risk losing our lives in proportion to only 1% by missing the jump and sliding into that ditch, I don’t think anyone in their right mind would take that risk, no matter how small the percentage. Returning to the risk of a therapy, it is not so much the higher or lower percentage of it that matters, but the object of that risk (the subject being, obviously, the patient). If the object of the risk, i.e. what we risk through the said therapy, is the health or even the life of the patient, then I believe that that therapy should be avoided as much as possible and in no case should it be used as a first option therapy. Let’s not forget that Psoriasis, with all the discomfort and suffering it causes the patient, is a benign chronic disease with a slow onset, which, in accordance with the Hippocratic principle “primum non nocere”, categorically contraindicates the establishment ab initio of a therapies whose side effects can be worse than the disease itself.

In conclusion, in choosing the appropriate treatment and before starting it, the patient with Psoriasis must know the following:

  1. What are the benefits and what are the risks of the therapy recommended by the doctor. Regarding the risk of the proposed treatment, the patient must remember that it is important what he risks, i.e. the seriousness of the risk, and not how much he risks, i.e. the statistical percentage of the risk of the manifestation of the adverse effect. The patient is a singular, unique individual, not a number or a percentage.
  2. The first-choice therapy in Psoriasis must involve the lowest risk in terms of its severity, as we have shown in point 1. Since it is a disease with a slow onset and evolution, with a benign character, it is not advisable to we “pounce” on the disease with shock therapies, where the assumed risk of the treatment often exceeds the expected benefit. That is why I personally recommend as the first option, with all responsibility, the use of the natural treatment alternative, which in this case has practically no risks.
  3. Based on my personal experience, as well as that shared by other patients, I concretely recommend the internal cure with DENIPLANT tea, as a first-choice therapy in Psoriasis. Sanogenic effects begin to appear after the first month of treatment, and after two or at most three months of treatment, the skin is almost completely healed. However, the treatment must be continued for several months, as it is necessary to eradicate the internal cause of the disease, and not only the visible part, which is only the “tip of the iceberg”, as I showed in a previous article on this topic.