How I discovered the treatment for psoriasis

Going on a trip to the Vrancea Mountains, an old woman hearing about my suffering recommended me to read a book about traditional Romanian medicine, namely “Cures and Remedies for Diseases”. I took that old book with the pages yellowed by time, copied it word for word and that’s how I got to know about the beneficial effects of phytotherapy.
At first I didn’t believe it either, but the words of that old woman remained imprinted in my memory even now: “Try mother with these remedies too, because you have nothing to lose.” And I listened to the old woman’s advice, I read the book dozens of times, I started collecting the plants indicated there, making combinations and using them. At a certain point the results started to appear, in the sense that, removing the ointments I was addicted to, I managed to resist only with natural treatment and no diet.