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Stop hair loss

Against hair loss
Presentation: Mixture of plants in the form of powder. 100% natural. Therapeutic Properties External use: Strengthens the hair root, stopping hair loss. It activates blood circulation in the region. It contributes to the regeneration and toning of the hair. Fights seborrhea and dandruff.
Validity period: 2 years; it is kept in the dark and at a constant temperature.
Method of preparation: Put the plants from the bag into a 1 l bottle and pour over them 300 ml of 70% alcohol. Close the bottle hermetically and leave it in the dark for 20 days to macerate.
After maceration, the alcohol is extracted from the plants by pressing and filtered through cheesecloth.
Method of administration: Every evening apply the tincture (10-13ml) to the root of the hair with a cotton pad. Along with the application of the tincture, a strong massage is done with the tips of the fingers.
Let it dry, then brush your hair with a natural hair brush.
It is recommended to brush twice a day for 5 minutes. The amount of plants in one bag is enough for hair treatment for one month.