Major Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof Dr Med Manole Cojocaru2, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Romanian Academy of Scientists; Telephone: +40723326663
The notion that intestinal microbiota, inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, and psychological symptoms such as depressionis not a new one.
Emotions may influence changes in intestinal microbiota, thus contributing to systemic inflammation via increasing intestinal permeability.
Acne is an inflammatory disorder involving the pilosebaceous unit.
Microbiota-gut-brain-endocrine axis communication occurs through small molecules, such as serotonin, leptin, ghrelin and cortisol among others.
Much of the research on the gut-brain-skin axis points to intestinal permeability.
This is because of its potential to contribute to systemic inflammation by triggering various immune responses.
These immune responses can then manifest in the skin in conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.
As many as 40% of individuals with acne may also have hypochlorhydria, low stomach acid.
This creates an ideal environment in the gut for harmful bacteria to take over. Stress is associated with low stomach acid.
Probiotics improved stress-induced neurogenic skin inflammation.
Emotional states (e.g. depression and anxiety) could alter normal intestinal microbiota, increase intestinal permeability, and contribute to systemic inflammation.
It is evident that gut microbes and oral probiotics could be linked to the skin, and particularly acne severity, by their ability to influence systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, glycaemic control, tissue lipid content.
There is a distinct microbiome in almost every niche of the human body.
The gut-brain-skin axis refers to the correlations between the microbiota of the gut, emotions/emotional states and inflammation both of the skin as well as systemic inflammation.
In this presentation, we discuss how probiotics affect several factors in the pathophysiology of acne development and can improve the treatment outcomes.
This study concentrates on the skin and gut microbes in acne, the role that the gut-brain-skin axis plays in the immunobiology of acne, and newly emerging microbiome-based therapies that can be applied to treat acne.
Acne therapies have focused on modulating this inflammatory response as well as targeting components of this cascade.
We focus on healing acne through diet, supplements and lifestyle changes.
This presentation will explain the link between gut health and acne, proposing several lifestyle and dietary changes.
The purpose of this study was to compare the diversity of the skin microbiota in acne patients before and after taking Polenoderm.
As understanding of the microbiome in healthy skin and the pathophysiology of acne continues to develop, new therapeutic targets are arising. Diet can also modulate the microbiome.
This is an important example of how probiotics can modulate the immune system systemically as well as locally in the gut.
Oral probiotics can regulate the release of inflammatory cytokines within the skin, and a specific reduction in interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1-α).
With the help of Deniplant brand natural remedies, Gheorghe Giurgiu has developed several products for acne that act as immunomodulators of the human microbiome.
Hence, it is crucial to understand Polenoderm impact on the acne skin microbiota which is thought to be perturbed, our study provides insight into the skin microbiota in acne and how it is modulated by Polenoderm and diet.
With the understanding that the brain-gut-skin axis exists, it is now clear that intestinal microbes have significant effects on acne.

Polenoderm is a nutraceutical (food with a dual role of nutrition and health), used as a natural modulator of the skin microbiota.
Polenoderm contains freeze-dried pollen from Deniplant plants, brewer’s yeast, powdered seeds: locust beans, cocoa, coffee.
Due to its composition rich in amino acids, minerals and natural vitamins, the Polenoderm product offers various possibilities to balance the processes that take place in the skin cells and lymphatic vessels following an infection, triggering the body’s self-healing processes

The gut microbiota’s ability to influence systemic inflammation could have an important role in acne.
Acne also has close connections with the gastrointestinal tract, and many argue that the gut microbiota could be involved in the pathogenic process of acne.
We’ve seen through research that the gut, brain and skin are very much connected and the state of one can influence the state of the others, but it can look different in every individual.
Probiotics can have a profound impact on immune reactions because of the microbiota’s heavy influence on the immune system (this includes skin inflammations like acne
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