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What patients say

What patients say about deniplant is a page with the statements of patients who used deniplant tea for psoriasis.

Varlam, 77 years old.
Against the background of extremely serious family problems, in 2003 I fell ill with psoriasis. My condition was becoming more and more difficult to bear. I was consulted and treated for 2 years with allopathic prescriptions. I did not get any improvement. On the contrary. Suffering caused me despair, and despair called for ever darker thoughts. In 2005, I learned, from the “Formula AS” magazine, about the treatment with teas, created by Mr. Gheorghe Giurgiu. I did not hesitate to contact him. After a first consultation, I was given the tea and explained to me what and how to do it. After 2 months I saw the first results. Some of the lesions that were unbearable and unsightly began to shrink and lose their intense color. The pains, burns and itching have decreased. I couldn’t believe it. I got courage and hope made me believe that I still have the right to live. After 4 months, almost the whole body, which was covered with this horrible wound, resembled the one I had before the disease. The skin had cleared. I did not stop the treatment for a single day. I was afraid of making a mistake. From then on, I came back to life. It also happens, when the stress is too much, once every 10 – 12 months, 3-4 more pinkish, painless elements appear, which, under the treatment with tea, disappear in 3-4 days.
At the level of the scalp, the lesions gave way a little harder, but I no longer had any doubts that I would get rid of them as well. Now the scalp is also clean.
Even if Mr. Giurgiu would tell me to stop the tea, I wouldn’t do it. I will continue as long as I can, to feel protected. But, for sure, I can also say today: “I was sick with psoriasis”.

George D. 40 years Ploiesti – engineer
“I was sick with psoriasis for 15 years, during which I treated myself with all the existing ointments in the country and abroad. The disease disappears, but it recurs more and more often and on a larger scale. I found out about herbal treatment from Magazin newspaper in 1994. Reading the articles, I saw that I also went through the same moments that Mr. Giurgiu went through. From the beginning I believed what I read, I contacted Mr. Giurgiu who sent me the necessary plants by mail.

After the first two months of treatment, the lesions began to thin, the scales to come off more and more easily, to fall off like a larger dandruff (the ones on the head), without any ointment.

After 6 months of treatment, there was no crust left on my head. I still had a few spots on my back, knees and elbows, where they were thicker and on a larger surface.

Everything was going well, until having problems in the family (I got divorced) the disease returned a bit, in the sense that some new spots appeared on the abdomen, and those on the back formed thin crusts. I was a little disappointed, but after another two months of treatment, the new spots disappeared for good, and the ones on the back stopped peeling.

Having the opportunity to go on vacation to the Dead Sea, in Israel, where I had heard about the mud treatment and the fishermen who clean your shells, I took advantage of this and followed that treatment for two weeks. Indeed, on the knees and elbows, the crusts disappeared after this treatment, but upon returning to the country, after a few weeks, they appeared again. I continued the treatment with teas and after another 6 months I finally got rid of the lesions all over my body. From 1996 until last year, I haven’t had any problems with this disease and haven’t followed any other treatment. In September – October 2003, when there were those solar explosions and magnetic storms, I had problems with my heart and on this background a psoriasis spot appeared on the back of my neck. I turned to Mr. Giurgiu’s tea again and in only 3 months the crusts and the lesion disappeared for good. I understood that there were other patients who had similar developments, but I don’t have any problems, as long as there is this treatment, which addresses the internal causes that trigger this disease.”

Dan B. 48 years old – Lawyer Bucharest
In 1997, going to Dermatology, I was told that I had psoriasis on my scalp. Knowing that my former colleague Giurgiu was sick with the same disease and treated himself with plants, I turned to him directly, without following the classic treatments recommended by the dermatologist. I followed the treatment with Deniplant tea for 4 months, during which the crusts gradually disappeared. I drank the tea for another month, but not every day, but every 2-3 days, and since then the disease has not appeared.

I was very satisfied with this treatment, especially since it wasn’t difficult to follow and I didn’t have to keep a diet or anoint myself with different ointments.”

Ana B. – pensioner, 58 years old, Bucharest
“I am an old patient, sick with psoriasis since 1980.
The first time I treated myself with all the ointments available in pharmacies. I also had sessions with UV rays and still did not get rid of this disease. On the contrary, the disease spread over large areas of the body and all over the scalp.
Learning about the existence of herbal treatment from a friend who was sick and was treated, I also turned to Mr. Giurgiu. I have been following this treatment for over 3 years, during which time I got rid of the lesions on my body and part of those on my scalp. Although I still have lesions on my head, I am determined to follow this treatment further, because I found that it is the only one that has given good results so far.”

Ilie R. – 60 years old – retired Buftea
“I started herbal treatment with Mr. Giurgiu after years of struggling with Psoriasis. I ended up with lesions on 80% of the body surface.
At first, I didn’t think that I would ever be able to recover from this disease. Everyone told me that she was incurable and that I would die with her. But this is not true. Since 2003, when I started drinking Deniplant tea, I gave up the other ointment treatments and the diet that I had been following for years. Since then I feel well, the lesions have disappeared in proportion to 98%. Now I still have some red dots on my back and some white marks where the lesions were on my stomach. I hope that in a few months these points will disappear and I will get rid of this disease for good.”

Calin L … Timisoara

“..I am preparing for a New Year and I can say that I am full of hope. I have good news for all of you. Honestly, I did not think that the effects of this treatment would be seen so soon. After a month of treatment in my case , the conclusions are the following: I treated 90% of my scalp, the spots that used to be red and with thick crusts have almost disappeared. Now there are only some pink, discreet spots, they no longer have those defined edges and the layer of scales that it covered them, they disappeared almost completely. On the elbows, however, the treatment is more difficult, but here too you can see the changes, the skin is more uniform, that thick layer of skin has thinned and the scales dry and fall off easily.
I therefore encourage you to continue the treatment and I wish you all and Mr. Giurgiu a much better year than the one that will pass, much health and happiness!!!..CALIN L. 23 years old Timisoara “

The discussions that take place at the Deniplant office here.. .