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Cv.Dr.Tatiana Ciurea

Prof. Dr. Tatiana Ciurea

Personal information

S.O.S. Berceni, ……….., Bucharest, Sect. 4
Mobile: 0722844493;
Date of birth
01.07.1960; Magiresti, Jud. Bacau
Professional experience
1985 – 1987 Teacher at Theoretical High School No. 2, Topliţa, District. Snort.

1990 – 2011Chemist at the Medical Analysis Laboratory within the Clinical Psychiatry Hospital “Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia”, Bucharest. 2011 – 2015 Principal Chemist, Quality Manager at the Medical Analysis Laboratory: MIR CLINIC LAB within the MEDIMIR CLINIC, Bucharest, Str. V.V. Stanciu, No. 213, District 4.

2013 – 2014 Dr. Principal Chemist, Specialization: Medical Biochemistry and Clinical Immunology; Borrelia Centrum.

2015 – 2018 Principal Medical Chemist MIR CLINIC LAB; Str. Valea Cascadelor, Bucharest, Sect. 6.

2018 – present Scientific Researcher: EEG Research Center in Epilepsy, Bagdasar-Arseni Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Sector 4.

Occupation or position held
Chemist, in 1999 Specialist Degree exam (grade 8.70), specialization: Medical Biochemistry, in 2004 Principal Degree exam (grade 9.15), Medical Biochemistry specialization, in 2012 degree exam (2nd specialization) Clinical Immunology specialty (grade 10).

In 2004, he defended his doctoral thesis in Analytical Chemistry with the theme: Bioanalytical Methods for the Investigation and Control of Cerebral Energy Metabolism.

Principal Chemist Doctor; Laboratory Quality Manager; Scientific Researcher.

The main activities and responsibilities
Ensuring the implementation and maintenance of compliance of the quality management system with the specified requirements.

Implementation of the policy and objectives related to quality, declared by the management of the organization.

Coordinating the activities of developing and keeping under control the documents of the Quality Management System.

Coordination of the analysis activities of non-conformities found in the implementation and maintenance of the SMC.

Monitoring improvement programs resulting from QMS analyzes or internal audits.

Coordinating and conducting internal audits of the planned QMS.

Coordination of internal staff training activities in the field of quality.

Participation in the specialized training provided in the annual training plan.

Carrying out medical analyzes and specialized investigations.

Ensuring the correct performance and recording of analyses.

Validation, initialing and signing of analysis bulletins.

Acquiring and complying with labor protection rules and their enforcement measures.

Name and address of employer
Bagdasar-Arseni Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Sos. Berceni, No. 10, Sect. 4. The EEG Research Center in Epilepsy.

Clinical Psychiatry Hospital “Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia” Bucharest, Medical Analysis Laboratory, Str. S.O.S. Berceni, No. 12, Sector 4.

MIR CLINIC LAB, Str. V.V. Stanciu, No. 213, Bucharest, Sect. 4

Borrelia Centrum, Str. Justinian, No. 1, Sect. 1, Bucharest.

MIR CLINIC LAB, Str. Valea Cascadelor, Sect. 6, Bucharest.

Type of business or sector
Laboratory determinations: biochemistry (spectrophotometry, ISE), hematology, toxicology (drugs: carbamazepine, valproic acid, phenobarbital, phenytoin; drugs: heroin, opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, cannabinoids, methadone, etc.), immunology (ELISA, immunochromatography, agglutination, immunoblotting, immunofluorescence, etc.).

Education and Training

July 2014
ANMCS Assessor Course (formerly CONAS).

2005 – 2006
Accredited training course, lecturer in the field: Management of medical-sanitary paraclinical investigations. (National Center for Improvement in the Field

Sanitary and MSP).

2001 – 2002
Master in: Public Health and Health Services Management. (UMF “Carol Davila”).

1999 – 2001
Master in: Medical Physics. (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics).

1996 – 1999
Faculty of Physics, specialization: Medical Physics, University of Bucharest.

1992 – 1995
Faculty of Chemistry, specialization: Analytical Chemistry, Methods of Separation and Trace Analysis, University of Bucharest.

1981 – 1985
Faculty of Chemistry, specialization: Chemical Technology, Bucharest Polytechnic Institute.

1975 – 1979
“Vasile Alecsandri” High School of Natural Sciences, Bacău

Qualification / diploma obtained
ANMCS assessor (CONAS); (2014 – 2016)

Accredited trainer, lecturer in the field: Management of medical-sanitary paraclinical investigations.

Doctor in exact sciences, discipline: Analytical Chemistry.

Principal Medical Chemist (Medical Biochemistry; Clinical Immunology).

Medical Physicist