1 PSORIASIS is a chronic, non-contagious skin condition evolving into reactivation episodes, it affects 2-4% of the white race, more frequently in smokers and/or alcohol consumers. Although a lot of research has been done, the progress regarding etiopathogenesis is modest. The mechanism of formation was largely elucidated, but not that of production as a disease. Consequently, local or systemic treatment attempts continue to be numerous.
In this context, balneophytotherapy tries to offer a therapeutic option, for the longest possible relief of the symptoms of this complex condition, rest and the removal of the triggering factors, are important for patients with psoriasis.
BAILE HERCULANE SPA offers very good conditions for influencing the triggering factors and improving the symptoms through the climate and the thermo-sulphuric mineral waters applied in the external cure.
The thermo-sulphuric waters from HERCULANE act through the hydrogen sulphide contained. It intervenes in the cellular metabolism and has a desensitizing role, activates the microcirculation of the skin, has a keratolytic effect and rebalances the vegetative tone.
All these effects have led to the use of thermo-sulphuric waters in dermatological diseases such as: psoriasis, parapsoriasis, some keratodermas.
Numerous studies and research show that diseases such as psoriasis can be improved with the help of some medicinal plants from the Romanian flora. in this sense, we have available the DENIPLANT tea, a powder obtained from several medicinal plants, which has proven effective in PSORIASIS.
Using DENIPLANT tea, tea patented by Mr. GHEORHE GIURGIU, improvements were obtained from the first months of treatment and the disappearance of psoriasis elements after 6-12 months.
DENIPLANT tea acts on the whole body, influencing the various links of the etiopathogenetic chain that trigger and maintain the disease, slowing down the evolution and even stopping it. Treatment with DENIPLANT is long-lasting, easy to use, well tolerated and no unwanted side effects have been reported so far.
Mister. GHEORGHE GIURGIU was sick with PSORIAZIS, and after hundreds of hours of work he managed to create this herbal tea, which brought him an unexpected cure. This invention won the Gold Medal at the INVENTA 97 International Salon of Technical News
Since the treatment with Deniplant tea requires the cessation of any ointment or other medicine and without a diet, the following treatment scheme can be applied:
- Thermo-sulphurous baths at a temperature of 37 degrees in the external cure (at the valve), applied for 15 min. for 6 days.
- DENIPLANT tea 750 ml tea prepared according to a special procedure will be drunk during the day in several portions, throughout the day, the Deniplant tea package contains 30 daily doses.. After the 6 days spent in the resort, continue treatment at the patient’s home until the lesions disappear completely. The administration of the tea should not be stopped suddenly, but gradually one day, one day not, for 2 months. If there is no more damage, you can definitely give up tea.
- Baths are taken twice in 6 days in the bathtub with balneological plants, with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cicatrizing, sedative effects.
If in the first days of treatment the body cannot withstand without ointments, a cosmetic cream can be used.
Depending on the results obtained, the attending physician will determine when the BALNEOPHYTOTHERAPY AT HERCULANE BATHS treatment can be repeated
dr. Gogaltan Iancu dr. Teleman Mariana