Between 2-4% of the population has this disease. Now you have the chance not to be among them!
ANT relaunches the social recovery program in spa resorts
The National Tourism Authority (ANT), in collaboration with the Employers’ Organization of Spa Tourism in Romania (OPTBR), is relaunching the social program “Recovery program in spa resorts”, informs the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism.Sovata resort
Location, Located in the northern central part of Romania, at an altitude of 475-500 m,Cure factors:
1. Chlorinated sodium mineral water from BEAR LAKE
- Sapropelic mud from BEAR LAKE.
- Sedative sparing bioclimate (aerosols)
Therapeutic indications:
- Generalized psoriasis vulgaris (in plaques),
- Psoriasis gouty
- Psoriatic arthritis with skin lesions, except for exacerbations (VSH <20mm/h)
- Other forms of psoriasis
Types of procedures
- Hot baths with salty mineral water from the lake
- General or partial packing with warm mud
- Physiotherapy and individual hydrokinetotherapy
- Electrotherapy – Hydrotherapy
- Neuro-vegetative rebalancing magnetotherapy
To these is added heliotherapy practicable in the summer season
Since the treatment with Deniplant tea requires the cessation of any ointment or other medicine and without a diet, the following treatment scheme can be applied:
The anti-psoriasis treatment consists of:
- packs with mud in the treatment base for 10 days
- bath in salt water at the lake, pool or bathtub for 10-14 days
- DENIPLANT tea – 750 ml of tea prepared according to a special procedure will be drunk during the day in several portions, throughout the day, the Deniplant tea package contains 30 daily doses. After the 14 days spent at the resort, continue the treatment at the patient’s home until the lesions disappear completely. The administration of the tea should not be stopped suddenly, but gradually one day, one day not, for 2 months. If there is no more damage, you can definitely give up tea.
Salt water and mud are extracted from Lake Ursu.
The salinity of the water used in the treatment base is approx. 100-150gr/liter (NaCl represents 97% of the mineral component of the water), the temperature 34-35gr C in the pool, respectively the desired temperature in the bathtub (approx. 38gr.C).
In the lake, the water temperature varies: it increases from the surface to the depth, due to the heliothermic effect: on the surface of the water is a film of fresh water from a related spring, which prevents the dissipation of the stored heat from the sun. Rigorous measures are adopted to protect heliothermia: access to bathing is only allowed in certain months, with a lunch break to allow the stratification to be restored. When immersed in water at the level of the neck, it is about 20 grC, at the chest and abdomen about 30 grC, at the feet 35 grC, the circulatory activation is maximum, with the simultaneous protection against congestion of the cephalic extremity. The hyperthermic layer is between 1.5-2 m. In 1900 the hyperthermic layer reached 70°C, nowadays it barely reaches 40°C.The mud is peloidogenic sapropelic, with high mineralization (NaCl: 2gr/liter of mud); we use it for partial and general wraps, heated to 39-42grC, the application layer on the skin is about 5 cm thick. Those who have both psoriasis and high blood pressure benefit from local application of warm mud in a thin layer and without wrapping.
Expected results: removal of scales, which usually disappear completely; the erythematous plaques become pale, the body getting used to ointments or other allopathic medicines. Baths and mud act on the surface and Deniplant tea on the inside of the body, removing the internal deficiencies that trigger and maintain the disease.
Following this combined procedure, due to the fact that the skin has healed on the surface faster than the removal of the causes, it is possible that in the first period after the balneofito cure the lesions will appear again, but as the Deniplant tea acts and the body recovers, they they will no longer evolve negatively, but will withdraw, they will be smaller in size and will gradually disappear completely
If only the removal of internal deficiencies were followed from the start with only the Deniplant procedure, the treatment would be long-lasting and it would be possible for the body not to bear from the beginning the cessation of the use of previously used ointments. See on the forum the evolution of patients with deniplant only.
*If in the first days of treatment the body cannot withstand without ointments, a cosmetic cream can be used (type anionic hydrophilic base, with the effect of softening the corneous layer and removing scales)
Depending on the results obtained, the attending physician will determine when the BALNEOPHYTOTHERAPY LA SOVATA treatment can be repeated
Tourist attractions in the resort
- Lake Ursu, the largest heliothermal lake in the country, Lakes Verde, Alunis, Rosu, Mierlei
Excursions to Saca Hill and Cireselul HillSurroundings, tourist attractions
- Pride: Salina
- Mr. Mures: Teleki House, baroque architectural monument, Bolyai Library with 55,000 volumes, Teleki Library with 65 incunabula, 44 princeps editions, 1200 titles of prints from the XV-XVII century
- Sighisoara: (medieval citadel XIV – XVI century, Clock Tower XIV century, Hill Church).
Cure factors:
1.Chlorinated sodium mineral water of heliothermal lakes
Salt water and mud are extracted from Lake Ursu.
The salinity of the water used in the treatment base is approx. 100-150gr/liter (NaCl represents 97% of the mineral component of the water), the temperature is 34-35gr C in the pool and as much as we want in the bathtub (approx. 38gr C).
In the lake, the water temperature varies: it increases from the surface to the depth, due to the heliothermic effect: on the surface of the water is a film of fresh water from a related spring, which prevents the dissipation of the stored heat from the sun. Rigorous measures are adopted to protect heliothermia: access to bathing is only allowed in certain months, with a lunch break to allow the stratification to be restored. When immersed in water at the level of the neck, it is about 20 grC, at the chest and abdomen about 30 grC, at the feet 35 grC, the circulatory activation is maximum, with the simultaneous protection against congestion of the cephalic extremity. The hyperthermic layer is between 1.5-2 m. In 1900 the hyperthermic layer reached 70°C, nowadays it barely reaches 40°C.
SPA -Un terment revenit la moda
Termenul “spa” isi are radacinile in expresia latineasca “sanitas per aquam”, ce are sensul de “sanatate prin apa”. Semnificatia poate veni insa si de la o statiune termala belgiana (Spa) care dateaza din epoca imperiului roman. Cuvantul “spa” este folosit cu precadere de anglo-saxoni, ei denumind astfel un centru de recuperare, dar si un institut de infrumusetare.
La balneofitoterapie te imbaiezi in apa dulce sau sarata, careia i se adauga alge, uleiuri esentiale ,oligoelemente sau plante
Hidroterapia reprezinta utilizarea apei in scopuri terapeutice.
Principalele efecte ale Hidroterapiei cu ape sarate asupra organismului :
1. Factorii termici
Prin actiunea factorului termic (temperatura apei cuprinsa intre 38-39 grade Celsius), temperatura suprafetei corpului imesat creste, determinind dilatarea vaselor sangvine si implicit accelerarea circulatiei periferice.
Efectul direct si imediat este eliberarea mediatorilor chimici acumulati in tegument (piele). Dilatarea porilor, relaxarea musculara, dilatarea tendoanelor, eliberarea unor presiuni ligamentare si inter-osoase, relaxarea si dilatarea unor organe, sint doar citeva din beneficiile utilizarii factorului termic.
Cresterea circulatiei arteriale poate grabi procesele de vindecare si refacere din corp.
2. Factorii mecanici
– presiunea hidrostatica semnificativa, si a concentratiei ridicate a apei sarate – 120 – 180 gr./litru (densitate marita). Actiunea acestei presiuni hidrostatice ridicate, determina presarea constanta si ferma in primul rind a membrelor inferioare, precum si a partii de corp imersat, cu efecte benefice asupra tendoanelor, ligamentelor, circuitului periferic, tegumentului, etc.
-totodata, prin efectul de cavitatie la nivel tegumentar, determina eliminarea mai eficienta a mediatorilor chimici si a depozitelor cutanate si subcutanate acumulate, care provoaca disfunctiunile imbatrinirea prematura a acesteia, conferind astfel o elasticitate marita si o mai buna permisivitate pentru asimilarea de substante minerale ;
– principiul plutirii – acest principiu determina usurarea sarcinii muschilor si a ligamentelor, elibendu-le astfel de greutatea segmentelor de corp. Prin plutire in ape sarate, greutatea corpului scade de pina la 10 ori, permitind muschilor si segmentelor de muschi sa se relaxeze, ori, muschii sau ligamentele in deficienta sa-si revina si prin miscari repetate sa-si recapete elasticitatea sau forta necesara.
3 Factorii chimici
Imbaierile in apele sarate calde, permit organismului accelerarea schimbului electro-chimic cu mediul. Astfel, osmolaritea organismului devine mai permisiva, facilitind asimilarea mineralelor (prezente in apa de imbaiere), in principal ionii de Natriu (Na), Iod (I), Calciu (Ca) si Fier (Fe). Acest fenomen duce in primul rind la remineralizarea tesuturilor si organismului, in conditii naturale, care confera eficienta tratarii, ameriorarii si vindecarea multor afectiuni, atit direct, cit si indirect.
4. Factori relaxanti
Compozitia chimica apei si efectul termic, ofera conditii din cele mai bune de relaxare.
Reguli privind baile terapeutice:
Se interzice sa se faca bai dupa mese copioase sau imediat dupa ce s-a luat masa. Baile calde si cele fierbinti, mai cu seama, trebuie sa se incheie cu un dus mai rece.
Durata unei bai este de 15-25 minute, iar dupa aceea se impune o scurta odihna sau relaxare de aproximativ 15 minute.
Baile terapeutice se fac, totdeauna, numai la recomandarea sau prescriptia medicului! Acesta indica temperatura apei, durata baii, frecventa si numarul total de bai in cadrul unei cure.
Atentie pentru cardiaci! Verificati temperatura apei inainte de imbaiere si comparati cu valorile prescrise de catre medicul specialist!
Hidroterapia cu ape sarate este indicata in urmatoarele afectiuni:
– Stari de oboseala prelungite, stress
– Afectiuni musculare, articulare si artrita, Afectiunile reumatismale,
– Artroze si preartoze (artroza genunchiului, soldului, umarului, cotului, mîinilor) faza inactiva;
– Osteoporoza algica a coloanei vertebrale,
– Spondiloze (cervicala, dorsala, lombara, forme simple, fara complicatii neurologice), nevralgii lombosciatice, deficit functional;
– Stari dupa entorse, fracturi, luxatii ale membrelor, tratate ortopedic;
– Afectiuni ale organelor genitale masculine (tulburari de dinamica sexuala, impotenta, infertilitate); Tulburari functionale genitale la femei (frigiditate), metroanexite, cervicite, cistite cronice, insuficienta ovariana;
– Circulatie periferica deficitara, Activitati în conditii de frig si umezeala;
– Dereglari endocrine hipofunctionale; meteosensibilitate, sindromul adinamo-astenic, tulburarile circulatorii periferice.
– Afectiuni endocrine cu deficit hormonal (asociate de obicei afectiunilor reumatice sau sterilitatii): insuficienta tiroidiana si cea ovariana
– Afectiuni repetate ale cailor respiratorii superioare asociate bolilor reumatismale
Pentru copii:
– Intârzieri de crestere în greutate si înaltime, stari post rahitice, scolioze, cifoze, maladia Scheuermann;
– Obezitate, meteorosensibilitate, amigdalite, faringite, otite, sinuzite, bronsite, polipi.
-Afectiuni dermatologice, psoriazis…….
Contraindicatiile bailor sarate:
Sarea în general nu are contraindicatii in curele externe, fiind un component fiziologic al corpului uman. În timpul baii sarate, o cantitate mica de apa si sare trece prin porii pielii, si se acumuleaza în depozitele de minerale subcutanate, o alta parte va patrunde în organism pe calea respiratiei. Ionul de Na (component al sarii) este un element foarte important ce este folosit în economia organismului. Orice transfer de substante între celulele sale si spatiul peri-celular, se face în prezenta ionului de Na si a apei.
Daca sarea nu are contraindicatii in curele externe, în schimb apa calda, are. Acestea sunt: faza acuta a oricarei boli, bolile infecto-contagioase si venerice, cancerul, hemoragiile repetate si abundente, sarcina si perioada de alaptare, bolile psihice si epilepsia, bolile cardio-vasculare (hipertensiunea arteriala cu valori mai mari de 200 mm Hg, stari dupa accidente vasculare cerebrale, infarctul miocardic, tromboflebita, ateroscleroza avansata), chistul ovarian, fibromul uterin.
Pentru infirmarea acestor boli, consultarea medicului specialist este obligatorie!
2.The sapropelic mud from the Bioclimat lakes of conservation.
Therapeutic muds
The therapeutic mud is the entire complex of peloid deposits on the bottom of some
lakes, the sediments of mud volcanoes, some peats and bentonites, as well as other rocks that
they can be used directly in the treatment or after obtaining some derivatives. In the mud category
therapeutic includes all lake muds tested for spa use or for
obtaining extracts of the Pellamarâ or Pellobiolâ type and even some macerated peloids
in mineral waters, as is the case with Sarmatian clays from Iasi used successfully at Baile
Next, the definition of the Institute of physical medicine, balneology and recovery
the medical complements the general one stated above: Sludges or peloids are
substances that form in natural conditions under the influence of geological processes and which
they are used for therapeutic purposes as such, or after a prior preparation by mixing with
mineral waters, grinding or heating.
Peloids, regardless of their type, represent a heterogeneous system consisting of one phase
solid, one liquid and one gaseous. The solid phase is composed of organic substances
(carbohydrates, humic, bituminous components, lipid components and proteins) and
minerals (salts insoluble in water, the most important of which are sulfates and
calcium carbonates and silicates and from a clay structure consisting of dioxide of
silicon and small amounts of oxides). The liquid phase is the aqueous solution of substances
organic and inorganic solubles from the mud, it coming from the water of the lakes, from the water
mineral – in mineral muds and from precipitation in some peats -. Because of the ions
where the liquid phase of the mud predominates, it can have a carbonate, sulfated character
or mixed. The gaseous phase is due to some physical-chemical and biochemical processes being
consisting of H2S, CO2, H2, O2 and a series of hydrocarbons.
Sludges can be distinguished according to their physico-chemical composition:
. sapropelic from continental lakes and lagoons, formed by sedimentation under water a
organic and mineral materials under the influence of biological processes,
microbiological and physico-chemical with a higher content of organic substances
of 10% (in dry mud); they are found in Lake Techerghiol (sapropelic of
liman), in the lakes Amara, Lake Sarat, Sovata, Bazna, Slanic Prahova (sapropelice
of lakes)
. minerals from continental lakes and lakes formed in salt masses (having the same
mode of formation and organic substances such as sapropelic muds) or formed in
around natural springs or in artificial pools on a clay bed (with formation
similar to the contact of mineral water with the natural or artificial clay bed), with
content of organic substances less than 10% in Baile Govora dry mud
(silica iodide), Geoagiu Bai (ferruginous)
. of peat from marshy areas resulting/formed by the incomplete transformation of
plant material in conditions of high humidity, with higher content of substances
high 10% in the dry mud Vatra Dornei, Felix, Mangalia, Someseni, Borsec
Each type of sludge is individualized by a series of its physicochemical characteristics
and particular biological ones, among them, plasticity, water capacity, weight
specific, their ability to retain heat and granulation are particularly important in
establishing therapeutic indications and using them in different forms.
The sludge from SOVATA is peloidogenic sapropelic, with high mineralization (NaCl: 2gr/liter of sludge); we use it for partial and general wraps, heated to 39-42grC, the application layer on the skin is about 5 cm thick. Those who have both psoriasis and high blood pressure benefit from local application of warm mud in a thin layer and without wrapping.
Therapeutic mud – an important natural treatment factor, is applied with excellent results in its own treatment base, throughout the year, for its biostimulatory role, bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties:
Salinotherapy is the process by which people inhale saline aerosols, with the help of which various ailments are treated, mainly respiratory ailments.
The term comes from the words: Salina which means deep salt mining and Therapy which means treatment/healing.
Salinotherapy has been practiced since ancient times, from the times when man began to exploit and consume salt, realizing and empirically feeling the effects of saline aerosols on the body.
Salinotherapy involves, on the one hand, the inhalation of saline aerosols through the respiratory tract, and on the other hand, the absorption of saline aerosols through the skin. The skin is considered the second respiratory organ (after the lungs) of the body.
How is the absorption of saline aerosols at the skin level? Due to the diffusion phenomenon, the saline aerosols spread relatively evenly in the internal atmosphere of the saline enclosure, being permanently combined with the water particles that form the relative humidity. The exposure of the body and implicitly the skin surfaces in this atmosphere, determines the deposition, then the absorption of saline ions through the capillaries of the skin and their transport in the tissues, up to the cellular level. The absorption of saline ions through the skin is primarily due to the osmotic process under the conditions of bio-electrovalent phenomena at the molecular and atomic level.
The composition of processed and used natural salt
Salt source – Salina Praid, Harghita county:
- pure salt (NaCl): 96 – 99%,
- natural content of Iodine, Bromine, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, various sulfates and natural ammonites, clay substances: 0.2 – 4%
How do saline aerosols act therapeutically on the body?
Definition of breathing:
In biological terms, breathing has two meanings:
- the first refers to respiration at the cellular level, a process by which oxygen molecules (O2) necessary for cellular chemical reactions are absorbed at the level of mitochondria and represent the energy engine of eukaryotic cells
- the second meaning refers to the whole organism, a process by which the living organism collects oxygen (O2) from the environment and removes carbon dioxide (CO2), as a vital process of life.
Results for respiratory diseases treated at Salina Praid
- Infectious and allergic bronchial asthma,
- asthmatic bronchitis,
- chronic tracheobronchitis,
- maxillary sinusitis,
- pharyngeal polyposis,
- chronic tonsillitis,
- restrictive respiratory failure,
- pulmonary emphysema
The percentages of cures and improvements published are among the highest known in the world: 85%
These observations were made on a number of 2000 patients treated between 1959-1972.
Factori de cura: