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Deniplant kids

Having my father in the family who, being sick with PSORIASIS, managed to cure himself with medicinal plants and knowing that he gave me to drink this tea for prevention, when I was only 6 months old, I created this Deniplant Kids tea, which is a formula adapted for children, of Deniplant tea

In the form of powder obtained from plants and berries.
children up to 18 years old
Prevention and treatment of psoriasis
Exclusively for internal use.
750 ml of tea is prepared and drunk daily.
I’m not; the plants are not toxic.
Side effects:
They did not appear after long-term use.
Duration of treatment:
Deniplant Kids: 1-4 months a year

The central idea behind the creation of the “Deniplant Kids” product was that “Children’s health must be the concern of all parents”

Deniplant Kids tea is aimed at children up to 18 years old whose parents suffer from psoriasis. They will make a cure to prevent the outbreak of the disease.

If you have decided to use plants, it is good to consider the following:

*No diet or other restrictions. If you have been on a diet until now, you will have to give it up gradually, as you start drinking the tea.


Put a sachet of herbs in a liter of water. Add a lemon (100-150gr) with whole peel, cut into slices. Boil until 750ml remain. (The boiling time is 15-20 minutes after boiling.) After it has cooled, sweeten to taste with sugar or honey (preferably honey). If sugar is used for sweetening, it will be put in the water together with the plants, so that it also goes through the boiling process.

The entire amount of 750 ml will be drunk during the day in several portions (little by little) throughout the day.

Also on the same day, boiled lemon will be eaten, with the whole peel, sweetened as desired.

The same procedure will be repeated every day.

Deniplant Kids For prevention

Deniplant Kids For treatment

This concept of preventing the skin disease PSORIAZIS is not currently addressed on the market, and because Deniplant Kids can do this, it must be present.