A new clinical and therapeutic approach in Psoriasis.
Psoriasis is known up to now as a chronic, non-contagious skin disease, quite widespread in both sexes (it comprises about 3% of the population), evolving with specific lesions that affect different topographical areas of the body, with a predilection for the skin on the elbows, knees , scalp, but also the palms, soles, or any other region of the body.
The cause of psoriasis remains obscure, and the mechanism of the disease is not fully elucidated. However, since ancient times, it has been observed that the disease frequently appears following a major mental stress, has a cyclical evolution, with longer or shorter periods of exacerbation and remission. The favorable effect of solar radiation on skin lesions was also found, as well as the unfavorable effect of mental or even food stress.
Entire tomes have been written about Psoriasis and this is not the place to give a broad and academic presentation of the disease. However, I would like to point out certain aspects related to the disease and its therapy, which seem essential to me:
It is wrong to look at Psoriasis as an organ disease, respectively as a skin disease; without going into details, there are solid reasons to state that Psoriasis is a systemic disease, a chronic neuro-dermatitis, which affects the body’s immune system at the same time.
Based on the above considerations, Psoriasis therapy should not only target the target organ, the skin, but the entire organism, which is affected, even if not visibly. That is why local therapy, alone, is ineffective. Also ineffective is general therapy, which exclusively treats the skin as a target organ. Even ultramodern and exorbitantly expensive therapies, such as those with monoclonal antibodies, have not proven their expected clinical effectiveness.
We must not forget for a moment the fact that, in reality, there are no diseases, only sick people, and we must not get drunk with the percentages from the statistics, according to which, if a certain treatment gives positive results in 90%, or even 99% of cases, the cure has been found. The doctor always has in front of him a patient of whom he does not know in advance to which category he belongs, from the 99% who heal, or from the 1% who do not heal. The patient is a whole, and any percentage expression regarding his healing is fundamentally wrong. What would it mean, for example, to say about a cancer patient that he was 90% cured, but 10% is still sick; is he still sick with cancer or not? Such an approach is obviously ridiculous.
Is there currently a treatment that cures Psoriasis 100%? It seems that it already exists, even if it seems hard to believe at first glance. It is called DENIPLANT (registered trademark) and consists of a mixture of plant powders that are used in internal cure in the form of a decoction. It is consumed daily, for several months, and the results are spectacular over time: the disease is cured, without a diet and without corticoid ointments. It is neither a joke nor an advertisement.
I used the expression “apparently” above for deontological reasons, since the discoverer of this therapy reported some apparent failures in some elderly patients with old suffering, but he also formulated certain doubts regarding the way in which the treatment was administered in those cases . Since it is a long-term treatment, with oral administration in several doses per day, it is possible that, for various reasons, the patient does not follow the prescribed dosage. Last but not least, one of the reasons why the patient may lose his motivation to comply with the method and duration of treatment administration, is the fact that healing occurs slowly, after months and even years of treatment. This is about healing the disease itself, not just the skin lesions, as I stated earlier that we are dealing with a system disease, of the whole body, and not just an organ disease. The disease should not be confused with the damage to the target organ! What we see on the skin is only the tip of the iceberg.
We must not have prejudices regarding the type of treatment, just as we must not abdicate the principles of medicine, one of which has been introduced since antiquity, by Hippocrates himself, who states “primum non nocere”, that is, first of all to do no harm, do no harm. It is very important that the treatment does not harm the body, does not generate adverse reactions, and natural therapies, including the one with DENIPLANT, fulfill this fundamental desire. A beneficial and effective treatment is one that produces the cure of the disease without generating another disease or suffering instead. If we refer to the classic and even the ultramodern therapy in Psoriasis, I am also afraid to account for the statistics of adverse reactions produced by them. It is an additional reason why I consider that DENIPLANT is the first-line therapeutic option in Psoriasis.
In addition to the externally administered therapy, an overwhelmingly important role in the healing of the disease is played by the suffering body itself, which through its appropriate response, in synergy with the therapy applied from the outside, combats and cures the disease. In this sense, the renowned scientist, Acad. Prof. Dr. Radu Cârmaciu advanced the hypothesis of the existence of an intrinsic doctor in every organism. It would represent a specialized functional structure of the body, being mainly constituted by the immune system. The intrinsic doctor is the one who notices the deviations from normality and intervenes in combating them, in order to return the body to its initial state of functioning. Without the intervention of the intrinsic physician, any externally administered therapy is ineffective. That is why it is extremely important that this personal doctor of each of us is himself healthy. I personally believe that DENIPLANT intervenes precisely at these levels, to maintain our intrinsic doctor in good health.