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Dr.Manta V.

Several years ago, in the newspaper Magazin appeared an article regarding the deniplant tea in which its inventor states that it would be good to treat psoriasis skin disease. Although I was asked then, what I think of this discovery, I refrained from making appreciation because psoriasis disease having an unknown etiology was very difficult to venture to make such statements.

Over the years the one followed, we were able to follow more patients who used this product and I noticed that there is a truth of truth in the sense that at over 85% of the cases pursued, positive results were observed. The lesions gradually disappeared without intervening with ointments or other allopathic treatments.

It is known that normally, the skin must have an acid reaction. When this balance is moved in one direction or another, different dermatoses can be triggered. Deniplant tea with a pH between 3.5 and 4 can normalize this balance and help to cure skin conditions.

The active substances contained in the plants used act as biocatalizers intervening in the chemical reactions underlying the vital manifestations. Acting in extremely small quantities, they cause split and synthesis reactions, energy -generating chemical reactions and especially oxidation reactions. These reactions were certified by the analyzes performed.

However, it has been observed that in some patients although the body responded positively to the treatment with deniplant tea, certain morpho-functional disorders of the nervous system and the character of the fundamental processes of the central nervous system, the excitation, the mobility, which together allow the identification of an activity method Superior nervous, they play a very important role on the evolution of psoriasis. A number of nutrition, metabolic disorders, can brake or stop the healing process.

At the same time, it was highlighted that in some patients the healing of epithelial tissue was done faster and constantly, while in others this process was disturbed by certain factors, namely by the own reactivity of the respective person. This own reactivity is due to: 1. Education, that is, the transmission not only of innate attributes, but also of those acquired during the life; These features are transmitted by individual metabolism and the type of nervous system;

2.-influence of the external environment (living conditions, food, work) as well as the influence of the internal environment (different morpho-functional and metabolic disorders), which can modify the reactionary properties of the nervous system and therefore of the whole body.

The existence of family diseases, sometimes determined by heredity, is explained in the following way: -there are families in which there are congenital, constitutional predispositions, unchanged by other influences, because the way of life, of labor food are the same. The disease, once arising, tends to reproduce in the family. This has also been shown in palmo-plating keratoderma that occurs in families that lead the same life for generations.

Sometimes, the modification of the external, internal, social environment factors can cause the disease with hereditary predisposition to no longer occur in descendants.

Following treatment with deniplant tea in most patients pursued, relapses have not occurred. But there were patients who had recurrences after 5-6 years. During these outbursts, the eruption has kept in some patients a relatively discreet character, reducing a small number of efflorescents, each time the character of a localized rash. Resuming treatment with denipant tea the body replied much faster and the healing process was much shorter (about 3-4 months)

Therefore, concluding the ones mentioned above, we can say that deniplant tea can be a good treatment for psoriasis.

Dr. Manta V.