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Hydrosadenita treated with pollenoderm

What is hydrosadenita

What is hydrosadenita
Hydrosadenita represents an inflammatory process in the skin. It is characterized by the appearance of nodules with pus that appear under the skin. They usually appear in the groin area, the axial areas, or below the mammary glands (in women). The nodules have periodic, monthly, or sometimes even weekly occurrences.
In popular terms hydrosadenita is also called as pus under the skin.
As in other skin diseases of unknown etiologists, and in hydrosadenita, the causes that lead to its appearance and development are not well known. For this reason, those who face this disease often realize that classic treatments often do not give the expected results. They are forced to resort to surgical methods precisely because adequate measures are not taken early.

Causes of hydrosadenita



Although classic medicine says that hydrosadenitis is due to inflammation of the sweat glands, in practice it is found that besides the blockage of the pores, the development of a large amount of sebum and bacteria, at the level of the skin can cause inflammation at the beginning. This untreated inflammation immediately develops and leads to infection and pus. Therefore, at this stage, surgical treatment is recommended to allow the evacuation of the pus.
Therefore, if we want to treat hydrosadenitis, it is necessary to intervene even from the appearance of the first symptoms, (red swelling or hard inflammation) and not wait until they become painful.
It is good to learn to distinguish the appearance of simple baskets (acne) and hydrosadenite formations.
Lately, many specialists say that the hydrosadenita is based on a disorder of the immune system that affects the skin tissues as is the case in psoriasis, when due to immune abnormalities there is an accelerated process of regeneration of tissues, their cells dying quickly.
The involvement of the immune system in the hydrosadenita is also proven by the fact that it differs essentially from the simple absence or the ordinary boil. Untreated hydrosadenitis has a very serious evolution even leading to chronicization.
Because the anomalies of the immune system are difficult to explain, the fact that the resolution of psoriasis can be done with the help of medicinal plants and solving acne or boil with the help of pollenoderm, I combine them to find adequate and effective treatment for hydrosadenitis.
Following the study of several cases of patients with hydrosadenita, it was observed that there are some connections between their objections and their disease.
Smoking is a habit that can often aggravate hydrosadenitis. Nicotine is responsible for the occurrence of staphylococcus aureus bacteria, causing permanent suppuration processes of epithelial tissues. Nicotine increases the activity of some types of skin cells, cells that participate in inflammatory skin reactions. Nicotine is also responsible for stimulating the sweat glands, increasing perspiration, which leads to skin irritation.
So, if you are a smoker and suffer from hydrosadenita, it is good to quit smoking, at least during treatment and a period after it
The hereditary predisposition in hydrosadenita disease
Like psoriasis, hydrosaditya is not a hereditary disease, but there may be a hereditary predisposition, namely if one of the ascendants has had hydrosadenitis, the possibility that the descendants will have this disease. For this reason, we must pay special attention to the prevention of this disease.
Hydrosadenita and hormones
Research from the last period of time has revealed that hormones have a certain role in the appearance and development of hydrosadenitis, especially male sex hormones.
In women, polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to the development of acne and hydrosadenitis.
Hydrosadenita one is infectious
Hydrosadenita is not infectious and is not transmitted from one person to another.
However, in the pus that is formed in the hydrosadenita you can detect microbes of staphylococci and streptococci groups. This does not justify us to say that the disease is infectious, because at the level and in healthy people such microbes can be met. The one we can say with certainty is that the hydrosadenita is related to a strong inflammatory reaction that appears on the skin of certain people, in direct contact with certain ordinary bacteria.
The evolution and complications of hydrosadenitis.
The evolution of hydrosadenitis is particularly each case having its particularities. In some patients, the purulent nodules reappear very rarely (once per years or a few years), and in other patients these inflammation can occur more and more and more in large numbers, in which the disease becomes chronic. In severe cases, the frequency of the appearance of nodules can reach 2-3 per month. In general, new lesions can occur instead of the old ones or near them. The purulent nodules can appear symmetrically, at the underwear, below the both bratem or on the left and right side of the groin areas.
The hydrosadenitis treated us can evolve in a few days, after the swelling appears the pus that tends to come to the surface of the skin when erupting. After the eruption, when a large amount of pus and blood is removed, the place gradually begins to heal.
If the abscess does not erupt, it can be kept for several weeks and even a few months.
There is the possibility that several swelling located next to another may join in a single large and very painful swelling. Between these separate swelling there is a possibility to form some channels in which the pus will circulate.
As with a severe boil, in the hydrosadenitis there is the possibility that the infection will spread to the body leading to severe complications.


Although classic medicine says that hydrosadenitis is due to inflammation of the sweat glands, in practice it is found that besides the blockage of the pores, the development of a large amount of sebum and bacteria, at the level of the skin can cause inflammation at the beginning. This untreated inflammation immediately develops and leads to infection and pus. Therefore, at this stage, surgical treatment is recommended to allow the evacuation of the pus.
Therefore, if we want to treat hydrosadenitis, it is necessary to intervene even from the appearance of the first symptoms, (red swelling or hard inflammation) and not wait until they become painful.

It is good to learn to distinguish the appearance of simple baskets (acne) and hydrosadenite formations.

Lately, many specialists say that the hydrosadenita is based on a disorder of the immune system that affects the skin tissues as is the case in psoriasis, when due to immune abnormalities there is an accelerated process of regeneration of tissues, their cells dying quickly.

The involvement of the immune system in the hydrosadenita is also proven by the fact that it differs essentially from the simple absence or the ordinary boil. Untreated hydrosadenitis has a very serious evolution even leading to chronicization.

Because the anomalies of the immune system are difficult to explain, the fact that the resolution of psoriasis can be done with the help of medicinal plants and solving acne or boil with the help of pollenoderm, I combine them to find adequate and effective treatment for hydrosadenitis.

Following the study of several cases of patients with hydrosadenita, it was observed that there are some connections between their objections and their disease.

Smoking is a habit that can often aggravate hydrosadenitis. Nicotine may be responsible for the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, they can cause permanent suppuration processes of epithelial tissues. Nicotine can increase the activity of some types of skin cells, cells that participate in inflammatory skin reactions. Nicotine can also be responsible for stimulating the sweat glands, increasing perspiration, which can lead to skin irritation.

So, if you are a smoker and suffer from the hydrosadenita, it is good to follow if the smoking contributes to the exacerbation of your lesions and in this case you can interrupt the smoking, at least during the treatment and a period after it


 After examining the dermatologist, general blood tests can be performed to determine leukocytes, ESR, urine analysis, and other additional analyzes to identify the causes of the disease (the analysis of the microbiom) is to be collected and analyze the abscess pus for the antibiogram

Allopathic treatment

At the beginning, the hydrosadenita is treated with topical preparations (ointments, crème) by clindamycin once a day or other antibiotics. Antibiotic treatment, recommended by the doctor, can be a more complex one


Antibiotic treatment should be followed only at the recommendation and under the observation of a doctor

Treatment with antibiotics, in some cases, may cause severe intestinal infection with diarrhea symptoms, and abdominal pain by microbioma.

In severe cases of hydrosadenitis, immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive treatments have also been applied, but they can affect the immune system.

In stage III of the hydrosadenita after the above treatment mentioned, surgery is often required to help eliminate the pus and eliminate the affected skin parts.

However, if the medical surgery is limited only to opening the abscess and cleaning it, the possibility of repeated formation of another purulent abscess in the same place, in a few months it is almost 99%

Natural treatment

The therapeutic naturalist formula deniplant for hydrosadenita

In order to eliminate all the inconveniences created by the allopathic treatments described above, with antibiotics followed by surgery, nature has created for this disease certain plants and food preparations. Thus, for strengthening and regulating the immune system and cellular metabolism, the plants in immuniple tea have proven effective.

To solve local inflammation and withdrawal withdrawal there are Polenoderm that does this with the help of minerals, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins.

For healing the lesions, pollen can be used in combination with citric extracts.

Because treatment with immuniplant tea involves the cessation of any ointment or other drug and without diet, the following treatment scheme can be applied:

  1. Immuniplant tea – 750 ml of tea prepared according to a special procedure will be drunk in several sockets, throughout the day, the immuniplant tea pack contains 30 daily doses. After the days spent in the resort, the treatment is continued until the patient’s home at the total disappearance of the lesions. The administration of the tea should not be interrupted suddenly but gradually a day yes, one day, for 2 months. If no lesion appears, tea can be permanently given up.
  2. Polenoderm due to the composition rich in amino acids, minerals and natural vitamins, the Polenoderm product offers various possibilities to balance the processes that take place in the tegumentary cells and the lymphatic vessels following an infection, triggering the self -healing processes of the body.
  3. Bai Bai with plants
    The pH of the water used in the treatment base is about 7 and the temperature 34-35gr C in the basin, respectively the desired temperature in the tub (about 38gr.c). The plants for the baths, through the active substances, have a direct action at the level of the teguments or mucous membranes, with antiseptic, anti -inflammatory, healing,
  4. reflex therapy
    The massage of certain reflexogenic points is followed by blood circulation, intensification of normal skin functions, influencing the metabolism of tissues and achieving tonositive aspects.

The following procedures can be used in the anti -hydrosadenitis cure:

-Kinetotherapy and individual hydrokinetotherapy
-Jacuzi with spa plants
-Jacui with sodium bicarbonate


I greet you all
I was diagnosed with hydrosadenita from the age of 10, I followed a series of treatments: ointments, medicines.
But they all had a temporary effect but my illness has increasingly expanded,
Now my bubbles appear in the form of boils that increase and become painful in a few days.
And a doctor told me that it would be furunculosis but I do not believe this, because for so long the disease and every doctor tells me something else.
What I want to tell you is that after all the time I have this disease, during which time I suffered so (I am 20 years old) they have never disappeared alone as they disappear now since I use the treatment with teas and pollen capsules.

I use this tea for a month and a half and I will continue until I heal.
I posted this message on the forum, but I see that I was erased or did not do it correctly.