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Immuniplant is a natural remedy under Deniplant® license


Immuniplant tea is a natural genetic immunomodulator of human microbiome that contributes to the removal of dysbiosis from the microbiotic level and thus can prevent and remove autoimmune and metabolic disorders


  • cultivated medicinal plants = 35%
  • Plants of spontaneous flora = 25%
  • Fruit trees buds = 15%
  • Flowers of fruit trees = 15%
  • berries = 10%

Presentation form:
Dried and ground powder packaged in 1 gram tea envelopes each. 30plings/package

Natural genetic immunomodulator,
The natural modulator of the intestinal microbiome regulates cellular metabolism,
Regulates the central nervous system,
Modulates the activity of important neurotansitors
Physical and mental energizer,
Increases fatigue resistance,

Indicated in:
Autoimmune disorders
Metabolic disorders
Diseases of internal organs, liver, kidneys, lungs,
Metabolic acidosis
Metabolic Syndrome Microbioma Dysbiosis


740ml tea that is drunk daily

Duration of treatment:
In relation to the evolution of the disease (2-6 months)

I’m not.

Side effects:
They did not appear at long use.

Terms of validity:
2 years from the date on the leaflet;
It is kept in the dark and the constant temperature

Other specifications:
Can be used in parallel with allopathic medication established by the attending physician

Method of preparation and use In a liter of water Put the plants from a sachet. Add a lemon (100-150gr) with the peel with all after you wash it well, cut into slices. It is boiled until 750ml remain (the boiling time is 15-20 minutes after boiling). After it has cooled, the lemon is removed and sweetened according to taste with sugar or honey (preferably honey). If sugar is used for sweetening, it will be put in water with the plants and lemon, to pass through the boiling process.

The whole amount of 750 ml will be drunk during the day in several sockets (a little)

Also on the same day, the boiled lemon will be eaten, with a peel, sweetened according to preference.

How do we know if we have problems with immunity

Although your immune system is invisible, there are several ways to discover whether it has problems or not.

If at this moment you feel good, it means that it is amazing, because at this moment, millions of microscopic invaders are just waiting to attack you, but I do not get it because the immune system is in their way.

If you do not feel good, if from time to time you have an embarrassment or pain, or you feel tired, unjust and lack of energy, do not worship these sensations, because the immune system is in danger.

Immunity test

If you discover that you have given more answers than no, there are every chance that your immune system will need help.

If you answered more with it does not mean that your system does its duty properly.

1.Par: Did he lose his gloss? Is it matte, fat or rare?

2.Capul: Do you suffer from recurrent headaches or access to dizziness, apathy and abolition? Do you feel your head very hard and sensitive to pain?

  1. Eyes: Do you have the feeling that your eyes tired? Are they injected or will it sting? Do they have a matte, glassy gloss, without glitter?

4.URECHII: Do you think you sometimes hear a sharp sound? Do you have itching or ear pain?

5.Nasul: Will the nose flow, eat or is it congested? Do you sneeze? Did you weaken the sense of smell?

6.Gura: Do you have a bad breath? Do you feel an unpleasant taste in your mouth? Do you have ulcers or swelling of your tongue? Do you suffer from gum bleeding or oral ulcers? Do you have broken teeth or gingivitis? Did you weaken the sense of taste? Are your lips cracked or painful? Do you often have irritation at the corners of your mouth?

7.Gate: Do you have the neck and it hurts when you move your head?

8.Farling: Do you have sting or pharyngeal pain? Sometimes you accuse difficulty swallowing?

  1. Digestive tract: Do you suffer from indigestions, gases, diarrhea, bloating, constipation or abdominal pain? Do you have nausea at certain times of the day?
  2. Muscles: Do you feel the muscles weakened and with tingling? Do you hurt you easily?

11.articulations: Do you have rigid, painful joints?

12.Pielea. Do you have spots or rashes? Is your skin dry, matte or swollen? Do you have problems with body smell?

  1. Hungarians: Do you have white spots, striations, splitting or a nail tint?
  2. Energy level: Do you need coffee or other incentives, such as chocolate, or sugar, to operate normally? Are your energy levels intermittent, chaotic or non -existent? Do you feel tired in a too big part of time? Do you get rid of it during the day? Do you often feel apathetic?

15.: Is it difficult to fall asleep? Do you have an intertigable agitated sleep? Do you sweat excessively during the night?

  1. Cerebral power: Is it difficult to focus on? Are you forgotten? Do you have memory problems?
  2. Sets: Do you feel stressed, depressed, sad, unfortunate, irritable or simply not in your waters?
  3. Famea: Do you have abnormal hunger or intense appetite for a certain food? Or, on the contrary, will you miss the appetite?
  4. Life Still: Are you overweight? Do you smoke? Do you have sedentary work? Do you make too little movement? Do you spend a little time in the natural light of the day? Do you consume many refined, processed or convenient foods? Do you have a diet with a high sugar content?
  5. General health: Do you cool more often than three times a year? Is it difficult to get over an infection? Do you suffer from repeated infections? Do you have allergies? Are you predisposed to Afte or cystitis? Do you suffer from anemia? Do you heal the wounds too slowly? Do you feel the cold more intense than other people? Is the menstrual cycle irregular? Have you noticed a decrease in sexual energy? Do you feel like you have lost your lust for life?
The natural defense system

The natural defense system of the body prevents infection and illness

How can we increase immunity

How can we increase immunity

Immune problems

Allergies occur when the immune system responds excessively to an environmental factor or certain drugs.

Hypersensitivity is an extreme and fast allergic response and can lead to anaphylaxis that can lead to death.

Transplant rejection occurs when T lymphocytes recognize, invade and destroy foreign transplanted tissues.

Blood transfusion can cause erythocyte agglutination if compatibility between donor and acceptor is not verified

Autoimmunity occurs when the immune system cannot differentiate the Self from non-sell cells and the body’s tissues are attacked.

Pathogens that cause illness
Metabolism represents all the biochemical reactions that occur in the body
Metabolic processes

Metabolism comprises two major processes:

  • Anabolism is all the chemical reactions that lead to a synthesis or a manufacture, it generally requires energy consumption.
  • catabolism is the totality of reactions that lead to degradation; He generally trains an energy release.
    The term “metabolism” can also be used in a more restricted sense: metabolism of lipids, sodium, etc. Energy metabolism is the totality of the metabolic reactions of the body: during a chain of very long and complex reactions, called the Krebs cycle, the energy coming from nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) is first transformed and stored (anabolism) in the form of adenosinerphosphate ( A.T.P.), the molecule present in cells. This energy is then released by the degradation (catabolism) A.T.P. to cover the energy expenses; growth, physical activity, maintenance and repair expenses, basal metabolism (the energy needed to maintain body temperature, heart rate, lung function and other basic functions).
Metabolic rhythm

Metabolism, a process of the human body of incomprehensible people who have soled many people for 35 years. Many people consider the slowing of metabolism as a normal reaction to the fact that they have aged

However, the truth is a little more soothing. Indeed, our organisms undergo different changes as we age that leads to a slowing of metabolism, but however we can avoid the accumulations of kilograms after a certain age.

In fact, what is metabolism? It is the process by which our body burns calories and is made up of 3 components: the metabolic rate of rest, the thermal effect of nutrition and physical activity.

The metabolic rate of rest is the energy we use when we rest to maintain vital functions such as breathing or sleep. In most people it was established that around 60-70% of the total energy goes to maintain vital functions, ie a 63 kg woman burns around 1,450 calories. Due to the fact that the muscles represent the active metabolic tissue of the body, the metabolic rate of rest is almost entirely determined by the muscle mass of each person. Most women have more fats in relation to men, who have a larger muscle mass, which means that women have a slower metabolism than the strong sex, on average 5-10 percent. Although it may seem unfair to a man consuming more calories when sitting on the couch in front of the TV than a woman who does exactly the same thing. The metabolic rate of rest is reduced by 2-3 percent every 10 years until the age of 30, as a direct result of the fact that the muscle mass ages. Fortunately, we can prevent this aging with regular physical exercises that have the role of maintaining the muscles in force.

The thermal effect of nutrition represents the energy we use to burn calories or more precisely, the energy we use during digestion, absorption and metabolism of consumed foods. For example, when you eat a food that has 110 calories you should know that 10 calories are used for digestion. Even when you enjoy a dinner in a restaurant, it would be advisable to order mild dishes, which do not give much for the fork of the stomach. Salads and fruits consumed in the evening help digestion and lead to burning calories accumulated during the day.

The greatest control over the metabolism can have it through physical activity. Unfortunately, the rhythm of daily life does not allow us to perform exercises every day, especially if you are one of the millions of people working in front of the computer every day. The less you move, the less strong you will feel. It is important to move even 30 minutes a day. Try to go to work on foot or get off the tram with a faster station, park the car further from the workplace, whatever to move. In this way you will not have a headache in the fight with the kilograms and the body will give clear signs of vigor. Even the tray from one side to the other leads to the burning of calories. But there are also lucky people who whatever they eat still does not get fat. Some specialists have noticed that those people always make movement, either kick when listening to a song, run from one place to another, when I sleep from one side of the bed, they fuck in the chair when they are in The face of the computer or have no condition at the table, which leads to the burning of more calories than in the case of a quieter person.

The irreversible process of aging we cannot stop it, but we can minimize the adverse effects that come with the passing of years as possible if we move.