Plegia, hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia Paraplegia represents the neuro-motor deficit located in both lower limbs. Tetraplegia represents the neuro-motor deficit that affects all four limbs. Patients with plegia have a spinal cord injury at one or more levels. The injury prevents the transmission of the nerve impulse at the level of the brain and at the level of the muscles and tissues located below the level of the injury. Hemiplegia is characterized by severe weakness in the limbs on one side of the body and includes: Balance disorders; Walking disorders; Motor disorders such as holding hands, clinging; Increasing muscle stiffness; Muscle spasms. |
Paraplegia and tetraplegia The plegic syndrome can be determined by multiple causes, the most common being spinal cord injuries. Important causes in the occurrence of plegia are: 48% – road accidents; – 20% – fall from a height; – 14% – violent; – 14% – accidents from sports activities; – 4% – infections, Pott’s disease, vascular processes (hematomyelitis), multiple sclerosis, disc herniation, demyelinating diseases. Hemiplegia can be congenital or caused by an acquired pathology such as trauma or stroke. Other causes include: Spinal cord injuries: Brown-Sequard syndrome; Craniocerebral trauma; Cerebral infections; Cerebral hemorrhage; Primary or secondary tumors. |
Although these conditions can be debilitating, patients document themselves and find out about them only after they have occurred. To prevent plegia it is necessary to analyze and understand well every cause that can cause it and to do everything possible to avoid them |
Hemiplegia is also identified through the clinical examination. In spastic hemiplegia, walking is mowed: the lower limb is taken to the side and describes a semicircle. If the hemiplegia is functional, walking is slow. Paraclinical examinations such as CT or brain MRI should only be used to confirm brain or spinal cord injury. These alone, however, cannot diagnose motor disorders.— |
Allopathic treatment
Unfortunately, there is no allopathic way to remove the effects caused by spinal cord injury, but at the moment there are numerous studies that are trying to discover revolutionary methods to improve the lives of those with injuries. Pharmacological treatment can be used to combat pain and of muscle spasticity. ; In the acute phase, pharmacological therapy consists in the administration of methylprednisolone, which can cause slight improvements by reducing the destruction of nerve cells and reducing inflammation at the level of the injury. Immobilization – may be necessary to stabilize the spine. Surgical intervention is necessary to remove bone fragments, foreign bodies, herniated discs or fractured vertebrae that can compress the marrow. |
Natural treatment
With the discovery of the Neuropole, the chances of recovery increased visibly, allowing the nerve conduction to become functional, even when the anatomical structures were damaged. The rehabilitation will be carried out with the help of a team that will include a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist, a nurse, a psychologist and a neurologist. Physiotherapy aims to maintain the existing muscle strength with the recovery of motor skills. The proposed naturopathic treatment can be followed in parallel with the allopathic medication established by the attending physician. 1. Antirheumatic tea 30 daily doses2. Imuniplant tea 30 daily doses Neuropolen 30 doses Local rub with capsaicin tincture Local rub with piperine tincture Electrostimulation relaxation program 30 minutes/day Recovery at the pool Balanced diet for modulating the microbiome Stress reduction Rest |