Case study of a puppy paralyzed after a car accident
On this page you can find correspondence about a puppy hit by a car, with a broken and paralyzed spine, who was treated with Polenoplasmin and who was completely cured after 4 months.
Good evening.
I just talked to you about my amstaff puppy. I would be very happy if I could get hold of the drug polenoplasmin.
Please send me the details to which address I could send the money and if you can send me the medicine, or can I ask someone from Romania.
Thank you in advance
Good evening,
You can find details about the preparation with which I cured my dog by searching the internet for Polenoplasmin or by going to our website at www.deniplant.rosi from there search for polenoplasmin.
I’m back with a request if you can also fill in the form below with some data about your dog
The weight
Held in the yard or on the block
If he has a medical record with up-to-date vaccinations
History of previous diseases
Current diagnosis made by a veterinarian
When the present disease started, suddenly or gradually
Treatments followed for it
Current symptoms (complete or partial paralysis, unsteady gait, etc.)
If he has painful or sensitive points along the spine.
If he eats
If he has diarrhea
If he has a fever
If he responds to stimuli, stings, caresses
the evolution of the disease under natural treatment
When did the naturopathic treatment start?
How many doses per day
When did he make the first movement of the paralyzed limbs (after how many doses)
When he stood up
If he is embarrassed to walk
When he fully recovered
Thank you
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Good evening.
The puppy’s name is Lucy, amstaff breed, she is 3 and a half months old, 8 kg, we live in the block, she has a medical record with up-to-date vaccinations.
He has no previous illnesses.
I don’t know a clear diagnosis.
He had a broken spine, now he has welded and has paralysis in his back legs.
Following water therapy and daily exercises, the left leg has almost completely recovered, but the right one does not move. The doctor says he has a damaged nerve. Responds to stimuli. He can’t walk, he crawls, using his left leg. It has no pain points. He eats very well, has no diarrhea or fever. Responds to stings.
I am attaching the x-ray.
Thank you
I would like to remind you of the order made. I would be glad to know that you managed to send me the preparation
Today the package left from us with the Romanian post. It is an anti-shock envelope recommended for paraplanes.
has RN number 884901122RO
It can be tracked on the Internet first at the Romanian post office and then at the Cypriot post office.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Thank you very much
I will let you know when I pick up the package from the post office.
Sincerely, D… B………
Good evening. Today I took the medicine from the post office. I understood from you that I should give him one a day. With capsule or without? I intend to contact you again at the end of the month for another series of medicines for the following month.
Thank you
Good evening,
If you can, put the contents of the capsule in the food you give him.
That’s how I gave it to him.
Keep me updated on his progress
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Thank you very much. I will let you know as soon as I see a change. I have faith that your medicine will help my puppy.
I wish you a good evening
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Good evening.
I have the first news for you. The puppy is getting up more often, trying to walk… actually walking a little. It has stability when standing, it no longer needs support. On the other hand, nothing is currently visible on the affected leg. He drags him, but tries to lean on him. These are the first signs after a week of treatment. I am extremely delighted. Thank you very much.
Good evening,
I’m glad to hear that there are good signs. The important thing is that the body responded positively. From now on we need patience and perseverance.
And my puppy was a little unbalanced at first. With time he recovered and went normally.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
I would only increase the dose if you think it would be good. Bad, I don’t think they would. Let’s talk before I start the next series of treatment. Do I give it a break seven days after the first series is over?
Good evening,
You can try two doses a day.
I gave my dog two doses until he stood up.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Good evening. I would like a new series of drugs. Please let me know if I should give him the same dose, one a day. He still has no use of his leg and I was thinking, maybe he needs a higher dose. Otherwise it is good, it has stability and we were hoping for better. Thank you
You can increase the dose without any problem. He can’t hurt them. I would do that.
After the first dose, take a break of 5 days.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Good morning. So I will. Thank you.
I would only increase the dose if you think it would be good. Bad, I don’t think they would. Let’s talk before I start the next series of treatment. Do I give it a break seven days after the first series is over?
Good evening,
You can try two doses a day.
I gave my dog two doses until he stood up.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Good evening
the package will leave from us on Tuesday
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Today the package left from us (registered envelope with no. RN881841265 RO
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Thank you
Good evening. Today I took the medicine from the post office. Should I give him two a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, or two in the morning? How do you think it would be good? The puppy now runs normally, has stability, only that when she walks she drags her right leg. I don’t understand why he can run, but he can’t walk… I would like to order another series of treatments next week, because I don’t want to take a very long break, considering that from Romania it takes 10 days to I’m getting.
Thank you very much
Good evening,
I suggest you give him one in the evening and one in the morning.
You should continue the water therapy, massage, leg movement, do as many exercises as possible to remember what you could do before, possibly I’m thinking about climbing stairs or other exercises that I suspect a physiotherapist should know.
When a neighbor of mine had paralysis in his right leg, I made him a device with a hinge and some strings that he pulled with his hands to move his leg.
I told you this example to understand that you need a lot of movement, so that the muscles don’t get tired.
I’m thinking of sending you some plants from which you can make a tea with lemon and possibly sweetened with honey.
I don’t know if he drinks tea.
It has a pleasant lemonade taste.
If you think he can drink, let me know and I’ll send it to you.
I gave this tea to some dogs in parallel with the capsules and they told me that it worked better.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
I did not interrupt the exercises. I try everything I can to help her. I remind you that I took her when she was two months old, with a broken spine, paralyzed back legs, she can barely move. Her former owner chose euthanasia for her, so I chose to raise her. I started looking for doctors, opinions, information… that’s how I found you. I am willing to try anything that I think can help her. He is an innocent soul who wants to live. Her doctor told me she was unlucky, and now she’s lucky she met me. I believe that nothing is accidental. I did the water therapy and all the other exercises, just by reading on the Internet. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. Next week when I send you the money for the next series of treatment I will dare to remind you about that tea. Let me know if I have to pay anything extra.. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Good evening
You don’t have to pay anything extra
I’m glad that the preparations help.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Good evening. I have very good news…my puppy has started walking. A little unsure yet, but it’s a start. It will surely be fine. Now we go out with her without problems. I am extremely happy. It’s a miracle, considering he had a broken spine and paralyzed back legs.
Your medicines work wonders.
Thank you for existing and for what you do. I wish you continued success. Soon we will talk about the next series of drugs. Thank you very much
Good evening,
I am glad to hear such news.
I’ve thought about it and I suggest if it’s possible to put compresses with white cabbage leaves on the place where his spine was broken.
Crush the cabbage leaves with a bottle to crush the ribs, then try to put them on the site of the injury and tie them with gauze or a bandage.
Cabbage is changed every 4-6 hours and with breaks of 6-8 hours.
I am convinced that it will be helpful.
What the doctors there say about this achievement. Did you tell them about polenoplasmin?
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Good evening. Thank you for the advice. Tomorrow I will put compresses on him. You can’t imagine how happy I am when I see her walking around the house and out. I didn’t tell the doctor anything for now, he saw improvements, I wanted him to see the whole evolution of the recovery, and then tell him what exactly helped her. In September we have an appointment for a check-up, and this time I will enter the office with her walking on a leash, not in my arms as before. The surprise will be of great proportions. Anyway, I’ll keep you updated.
Thank you very much
Today I want to order the next series of medicines. The puppy has made amazing progress. He is using his leg much better and most importantly he is walking… Your treatment is very good
Thank you very much
today the package left
It has no RN880808348RO
I also gave you 20 tea bags that you will prepare in this way
Put a tea bag and 2 slices of lemon in 250ml of water
Boil until 200ml remain
Sweeten to taste with honey
You give them to drink instead of water.
Is the place where the spine was broken still painful?
Tell me what the doctors there said.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
Thank you very much for the teas. You didn’t tell me what exactly they are good for. I haven’t gotten to the check-up with the puppy yet, the doctor is on vacation, I’m waiting for him to call me when he returns to the office. I will definitely tell him about your medicines and I will highly recommend you whenever I get the chance. I believe in what you are doing and I have the proof. The puppy is not in pain, in fact she hasn’t been since I got her. I told you that he was two months old when he came to me with a broken spine, and now he is six months old. She feels very well, she is energetic. I hope that soon it will go normally, and that we can enjoy it for as long as possible.
Thank you
Good evening
I will send you some videos with the puppy, maybe even today. The marrow was not affected, only the peripheral nerves. When I got her, I went to several doctors, some even famous, who recommended euthanizing her, saying that they had nothing to do with her. They told me that it’s a shame that she and I are struggling. I would now like to show these doctors how she is now. I have many x-rays. Do you have a website in English? It would be easier to give the doctor more reading.
Thousands of thanks
I’m waiting for the videos.
I have not yet translated the website into English. with polenoplasmin, but if they want, they should try a translation with google translate. Anyway, if they are interested, they will know how to make them read, although to tell you the truth, I am very skeptical that they will be receptive.
I went here to the veterinary medical delegation and they didn’t want to believe me.
The only ones who believed me were the people directly involved, namely those who had problems with their animals.
Now I am dealing with the organization of a support group for people with paralysis and my time is limited.
When I have more time, I will make a special page for your puppy and then I will ask you for the x-rays and other medical documents, videos and pictures.
Gheorghe Giurgiu
You know people are generally skeptical. Doctors do not want to believe in natural products… they are probably afraid to recommend something that does not belong to them and that they have not studied. We may also find receptive people. I will help you with everything I can with great love. whenever
I am sending you the pictures and videos of my puppy who now walks without any problem