Danubius-Sovata spa treatments programs 2009
Sovata cures psoriasis with deniplant
Currently, according to the European Dermatology Guide, there are no drugs (tablets, infusions, ointments) that can cure psoriasis, all that can be obtained with the mentioned drugs is at best long-term remission, i.e. improvement without recurrence of lesions for as long as possible. The goal is external “cosmetic improvement”, and internal immunological regulation, psoriasis being an autoimmune disease induced in 90% of stress cases. Usually, more effective drugs (with an immunological impact) also have more numerous side effects. The Sovata treatment with salt water and mud extracted from Ursu Lake reduces skin inflammation, removes scales and pales the erythema, and DENIPLANT tea ensures immunological modulation and implicitly long-lasting remissions (in 85% of cases), which we dare to call HEALING. Added to these is the effect of reducing chronic stress through neuro-vegetative rebalancing due to the soothing climate of the Sovata resort. And all this without side effects (Deniplant tea can also be administered to pregnant women), within the limits of the specific and general contraindications mentioned.
Deniplant tea was invented by Mr. Giurgiu Gheorghe from Bucharest and patented by OSIM (Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks) in 2005 (Deniplant® brand: Nr.ord.reg.comert/an: F23/383/26.08.2005 ). Deniplant tea received the gold medal at the INVENTA International Exhibition of Technical Innovations May 27-30, 1997, Bucharest. Additional information on the websites: www.giurgiugheorghe.ro and www.psoriazis-deniplant.ro
Extensive atopic (allergic) dermatitis, especially in children, is cured in some cases after just one week of treatment with salt water and mud from Lacu Ursu.
Indications: skin psoriasis, including palmo-plantar and fold psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis outside periods of exacerbation (VSH below 30 mm/h); atopic dermatitis
Specific contraindications: psoriatic erythroderma, acute psoriatic arthritis
Note: It is recommended (but not mandatory) to present the referral ticket from the specialist dermatologist at the consultation, specifying the diagnosis of psoriasis; atopic dermatitis.
Content: medical consultation, control consultations upon request, partial or general mud wraps, salt water bath in tub; electrotherapy and physical therapy (in case of psoriatic arthritis)
Mechanism of action: Due to the increased content of NaCl, CaCO3 and organic substances (including human-like estrogen released in the water of Ursu Lake by the arthropod Artemia salina), salt water and peloidogenic sapropelic mud from Ursu Lake have an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, bacteriostatic effect on the skin. emollient, exfoliating, regenerating. The soothing climate of the Sovata resort stabilizes the immune system through a neuro-vegetative effect. Deniplant tea has a detoxifying effect over time and, most importantly: an immunological modulation effect, i.e. restores the body’s immune balancing capacity.
Duration: 1 week, ideally 2-3 weeks for intense, extensive scaling psoriasis
Price: 1 week (10 procedures): 280 RON
2 weeks (20 procedures): 530 RON
General contraindications:
- diseases in an acute or subacute stage, febrile conditions and any acute (or acute chronic) infectious-contagious diseases
- leukemias and malignant tumors (spa treatment is allowed only after a minimum of 5 years after the removal of the tumor, rigorous annual control and a recent medical consultation that confirms the absence of the theoretical risk of tumor recurrence)
- hemophilia, severe anemia
- recent myocardial infarction, recent stroke, arterial hypertension uncontrolled by medication, heart failure NYHA III / IV
- thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, skin ulcers, venereal diseases
- pregnancy, hyperthyroidism (Basedow’s disease), epilepsy, major mental illnesses, drug addicts
Dr. Praetorian Suzana Medical director