Here you will find the internal and international conferences where Gheorghe Giurgiu presented papers with the scientific explanations and modes of action of Deniplant natural remedies.
To read a paper, enter the conference and click on the link from the paper.
2nd. International conference on Coffee & Cocoa April 7-8.2022 -Bogota Colombia
Lucrarea: Gut microbiota mediates the immunomodulator effect of dietary cocoa: Impact of Polenoderm
Latin American International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities II Bogota, Colombia April 5-7, 2022
lucrarea: Gut dysbiosis in dogs with spinal cord injury: Impact of Polenoplasmin
6 th International New York Conference on evolving trends in interdisciplinary research & practices 3-5.04.2022 Manhatan , New York City1
Lucrarea : Gut dysbiosis in dogs with spinal cord injury – Impact of Polenoplasmin
3.International interdisciplinary Violence Conference April 2-3.2022 New York City US
Lucrarea : The link between alcohol dependence violent behavior and gut microbiota composition
A 13-a conferință internațională ISPEC privind inginerie și științe naturale 19-20 martie 2022 Burdur Turcia
Lucrare: Imuniplant poate influența răspunsurile imune disfuncționale
Some of the conferences were recorded and can be listened to on our online radio station Deniplant – Conferences here…