For veterinary use, for dogs and cats of other domestic animals, Deniplant has created Polenoplasmin nutraceuticals – food with a double role of nutrition and health, for the nerve regeneration of the neuromotor plate in paralyzed animals or with neurological problems.
History Polenoplasmin for Rex
My first contact with bees, I could say it was when I was born, because at that time my father had two beehives in the yard. As my mother is afraid of bees, she never agreed with this activity. Every time dad walked to the hives, we children would stay hidden in the house and watch through the window as he dressed in a white robe, put the “cosmonaut” mask on his head and with the smoker in hand he approached the hives and opened the lid, details here…
The first case – my dog became paralyzed
I had a German shepherd for 9 years and lately he had become very afraid of thunder. For this reason, every time he got scared, he tried to jump over a neighbor’s fence and hide in his yard. After such a jump (the fence was 1.7 high) I think he injured his spine and over time he started to have problems with his back legs, in the sense that he walked harder and harder and lost his balance . Details here…
Polenoplasmin – Composition
Due to its composition rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, the pollenoplasmin product offers various possibilities to balance the processes that take place at the level of the nerve cell and the neuromuscular plate, and dopamine, through its role as a neurotransmitter, may be responsible for many neurological disorders. Details here……
Doctors’ opinion
In the case of paralysis in dogs, recovery can be explained by neurotransmitter recovery mechanisms with a role in improving nerve conduction and the activity of the neuro-motor plate, as well as muscle recovery. Details here.…
Cases of paralyzed dogs treated with polenoplasmin
On the website, I have selected some of the dozens of cases of paralysis in dogs, cured with Polenoplasmin. The case… could be your dog’s, if you don’t take measures in time! Details here….
International conferences where Polenoplasmin was presented
Polenoplasmin was presented and appreciated at dozens of internal and international conferences. Together with Prof. Dr. Manole Cojocaru, professor at the Titu Maiorescu Faculty of Medicine from Bucharest, we presented works on the mode of action of Polenoplasmin. Details here..….
Video gallery
Below you can find some videos made with the evolution of the dog with a broken spine and paralyzed after a car accident presented here….